YouTube Music service native integration

Followed by 45 people



  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Although we do not currently support Youtube music in the BluOS app, I will forward your request along to our Quality Assurance team for their consideration to include in a future update. We are always looking to develop and improve upon the BluOS app and a large part of that is providing more services to access your favorite music.

    In the meantime, you can stream any Music Service App from your smartphone to a BluOS Player via Bluetooth. I will attach an article below with further details on establishing a Bluetooth connection with your BluOS player.

    Thanks for living HiFi!

  • Leonard Layne


    1. Install an HDMI Cable FROM TV or Smart TV TO the BlueOS player.

    2. Configure the HDMI settings in the Node AP.

    3. Configure your TV or Smart TV Settings for sound Out. (Different for your specific TV, of course)

    3. Select that source and VOILA Sound AND Video on your TV.

    NOTE: It's a little counterintuitive. But, the sound is outstanding, especially if you have You Tube Premium. 

  • cody parnell

    thats hardly native. 

  • Peltry

    No support for Youtube music in the BluOS app? For me also a big request. I so want to use my Premium account.

  • David Beilis

    +1 on the request. The workaround from Leonard will not provide HD Audio that Youtube music supports. 

    At the moment I'm using my laptop + DAC and I can stream 24-bit 192 KHz audio. I would love to replace this setup with node. Youtube music support is a must feature for me. Is there any update on this ticket or availability of the service?

  • Alexi Severyn

    Please add support for YTM and Chromecast.

    Chromecast has a straighforward API to enable support for and many devices do support it, e.g., Cambridge Audio Evo 75/150

  • Any news? Youtube music support is a must! Your app is good make it great… any timeline for the devopment?

  • Support for YTM must be absolute. A reason not to buy or recommend bluesound otherwise. The quality is far too poor via bluetooth!!!!

  • Aidas Klimas

    Would really love to have this one added. Probably it's one of the biggest streaming services and it's weird that it's not supported. 

  • Gergely Voros


  • Well, here in Spain there is another user who doesn't understand how there is no official support for YouTube Music in the best music streaming application on the market.

    Awaiting an update...



  • GIulio Faini


  • Gary Walters

    Please add YouTube Music and/or Chromecast. If there is any frustration with my Node, it's the lack of support for these services. 

  • Andy Thompson

    I wonder what YTM does to keep BluOS away..

    I use YTM premium in Volumio 3 on a Primo device and it works very well. Would be fantastic to have it directly on my NAD.

    Roadmap for BluOS?

  • GIulio Faini

    It's important also to explain why YTM support is important.

    Based on my externsive experience YTM has a much wider catalogue  of music albums/artists/songs than the others (Spotify, Tidal, Qobuz)... This is a huge dealbreaker for me and there is no comeback for me after discovering YTM.

    Also with the same YTM subscription I have ads-free access to video Youtube. Another important aspect.

    Finally the YTM app is better designed, not a real dealbreaker this one, but thumbs up.



  • cody parnell

    N0 update... shame shame shame

  • Rob Wijhenke

    How can this not get any priority? Downgrading my app rating to 3 out of 5

  • Renato Engel

    Der Hersteller hat es offenbar nicht nötig auf Kundenwünsche einzugehen- sehr schade!

    Momentan streamen wir Youtube über den Brave-Browser werbefrei via Bluetooth auf den Node 2. 

    Bluesound wann reagiert ihr und behebt den Missstand?

  • I am also missing this feature. I was surprised it wasnt listed between all the other available streaming options!

  • Wout van Hoof

    I still tell my friends that I’m using YTM on my powernode. Not telling about my HiFiBerry running Volumio to enable this. I feel always a bit ashamed touching this topic but actually you developers should …..

    I can’t wait for this golden update.

  • Andy Thompson

    I find it interesting nobody from Bluesound cares to look at this thread, since it's not new and it's marked as "completed" since it was "answered" 1yr ago. The answer basically means Bluesound got the note and hasn't cared an inch since.

    I really recommend the Volumio Primo devices, or just the Volumio 3 software, which supports Youtube Music as a plugin.

  • GIulio Faini

    Well done Rob.


    Actually maybe some clarification of roadmaps would be useful from Bluesound.


    My opinion is that features like YTM integration or others like full-Alexa integration are more useful (i.e. impacting a larger audience) than others like having Radio Paradise or Roon that have much more narrow audience... Maybe Roon has sponsored with $$ to have their integration to be implemented...

    I opened a feature request 2 years ago about Alexa and got nothing on that, so i guess it will be the same for YTM or if lucky a general promise..

  • David Beilis


    I used Twitter to point to this thread and tag both YouTube Music as well BlueSound accounts. I believe it is on their radar and curious why do they choose to be quiet.

    Perhaps, we can reach out to YouTube Music service directly as well.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi All

    YouTube Music is a subsidiary of Alphabet so requires Google Cast for integration. Currently, still GC4A is not an option. Our Product Development Management Team actually answered a number of these concerns we have here;

    We continue to have great conversations with Google and other Alphabet companies on the subject but unfortunately, GC4A continues to not be an option for BluOS.

    Check out for how to get the most out of YouTube Music using your YTM App of AirPlay is not an option for you.

  • Andy Thompson

    Hello Tony and thanks for commenting.

    Yes, this is exactly our concern, that when requested for an updated status we are pointed to 1-2+ year old threads and still we are not wiser to if/when anything will happen, even though you've kept having great conversations with both Alphabet, Google and others on the subject over these years.

    I fear this disastrous time to market launching music services has already left BluOS out of many homes, and will do so even more. Would be fun to see the YTM BC internally at Bluesound.

    This is how its solved on Volumio 3 if are interested: 

    Kind regards,


  • Andy Thompson

    Hello Tony W.

    Why don't you simply implement Youtube "InnterTube API" like other streamers have done with huge success (see example for Volumio3 above). This would allow you YTM support for all BluOS devices with a small memory footprint.

    Please discuss it with Alphabet, YouTube and all the others you keep having great talks with for several years with zero progression. . . .

    Sold all my Bluesound/NAD BluOS devices today on the used market. Customer un-friendly support and no roadmap for required features.


    InnerTube is an API used by all YouTube clients. It was created to simplify the deployment of new features and experiments across the platform 1. This library manages all low-level communication with InnerTube, providing a simple and efficient way to interact with YouTube programmatically. Its design aims to closely emulate an actual client, including the parsing of API responses.

  • Rbl

    I imagine that my comment below will be annoying for Bluesound. But Bluesound's inactivity in YoutubeMusic matters is annoying for the customers, too. I am repeating the question to Bluesound; Are there plans to integrate YoutubeMusic into Bluesound today? Now is 1 year after the last comment.

    YoutubeMusic Premium is high resolution music quality, gives access to a bigger music collection than Spotify, removes ads from Youtube in general and has a decent price offer with the family access account. There are millions users out there. 

    No user has two different music accounts. I have YoutubePremium and Bluesound. Why is it so difficult to integrate? Are there technical reasons or commercial reasons why Bluesound is not complying in this matter?

    Please, Bluesound support, answer the questions to your positive-minded followers. But please don't repeat "stupid" workarounds.

    Thank you. I am looking forward to hearing the news, here from Bluesound.

  • David Beilis

    I tried it out, and node sound quality is not as good as I expected. Adding YouTube Music is indeed challenging and would require more expensive hardware that will increase the price and make it not a viable product. I agree with the Node Product folks.

    I recommend buying the cheapest Mac Mini from Apple and setting it up in a headless mode. Pair it with a custom DAC. Even not expensive external DAC will beat the Node in quality. I use Schiit Modi Multibit and it is not bad. You can remote into the box using VNC from iPhone, iPad, etc. I can run any streaming service I want and enjoy top-quality sound.

    I shared my journey in the following twitter threads

    The setup is not perfect, but it gives me freedom and good value for the money. I use Tidal and Youtube Music. Tidal HiFi has a superior quality stream, and you can hear it easily. But I still love the touch of Google AI and listen to both. 

    Something I should write more about is remotes. Beyond VNC, you can use existing programmable controllers like XenceLabs Quick Key. Changing the volume, switching songs, like, turning radios, etc., is excellent. 

    To sum up, we've got options, and there is no reason to be stuck with this. When a company does not have an answer for such a long time, the last thing you want to do is to invest in relationships with it.

  • How is it that Sonos can add YouTube Music to their app and make it work with their less expensive speakers?


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