Alternative ways to sort albums rather than alphabetically




  • Gordon Delgado

    Indeed: adding a "Sort By" drop-down seems trivial. It could be Genre, Year, Artist, Composer, or even "Last Played" in ascending or descending order. Fantastic!

  • Andrew Dixon

    Thanks, I'll give that a try tomorrow as soon as I get chance.


    I presume that's being obtained from the "Date Released" tag in the file? In which case I'll need to find a way to apply that info to my files, which could be fun! It's not a field that is available through iTunes, which I've used for the last 16 years, so none of my files have that field populated.

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Release date is "YEAR", so you probably have that tag already.

  • Andrew Dixon

    I do, but YEAR isn't sufficient to effectively sort, especially when there are multiple releases within the same year. 

    Your Beatles screenshot above is a good example, where Magical Mystery Tour shows before Sgt Pepper, even though it was released later the same year. 

    I'd like to suggest that for you to have a better chance of attracting people to move over from iTunes, especially those users who have put considerable effort in to making sure albums are ordered the way they want, then it would be a great feature to also have BluOS able to read the "Sort Album" field in case the user wants to sort that way. 

  • Andrew Dixon

    Here's an example from my iTunes library where Oasis had several single/album releases in 1994/95, and because of the "Sort Album" field, they display chronologically despite all being from the same year


  • Andrew Dixon

    I'm guessing this is a no go?

    It would be a massive improvement to the interface for me (and presumably many others who have populated that field over the years in their files) if the "Sort Album" could be utilised as a sort option.

  • Andrew Dixon

    any chance I can ask again to see if this is possible, to have the "Sort Album" tag available as a way to sort albums.


    This would make the software massively more useable for me, and I guess some others who have made use of the Sort Album tag over the years?

  • Andrew Dixon

    Another plea: 


    Please can we have the option to sort albums by the "Sort Album" tag. The Year tag is not sufficient to sort albums chronologically.

  • Andrew Dixon

    I'm really hoping I don't get to the point where I feel I have to look for an alternative streamer.


    Is there any possibility the sort feature can be made so much !ore usable by having the existing "sort album" field available as a sort option?


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