Node 2021 LED Light switch on randomly




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Our QA and Engineering team is investigating an issue with the front LED pulsing on the NODE N130 in conjunction with the proximity sensor periodically being triggered by a false positive randomly turning it on such as light from a window or a plant in proximity then turning off at a regular interval - we hope to resolve this in software in a very near-future release.

  • Seppi Evans

    Please check to make sure you have updated to the latest firmware 3.14.26 If you are still having issues from the Bluesound App Help…Send support request so Bluesound can look further into this for you.

  • Andrea Crema

    Yes I have the correct firmware. Support has now confirmed its a bug that needs a firmware update

  • Permanently deleted user

    Curious, my top panel os always on, the front led switch randomly OFF.

    How this can be a software problem as I'm running the same firmware.

  • George Chatzidakis

    It is a defective device! How is it possible to have sold so many defective devices, it goes beyond me. 

    Worst part though is their customer service.

  • Andrea Crema

    My experience is that support has been really good. My device works and has been superb, I think with any new device there are going to be bugs.

    I agree its really annoying and more should have been done in QA testing, but I trust in the assurances given that these problems are firmware and not defective units. Firmware at some point to be rolled out.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Andrea Crema

    sorry, cant follow you. You get a second unit and in your post you claim that the unit with the firmware 3.14.26 has the same faults as the first one.

    Now suddenly you say that "my device works and has been superb" but "I think with any new device there are going to be bugs" ???

    Those are some new alternative facts or it is something else, kinda UAP report?

  • George Chatzidakis

    No, they are defective devices and if judge by the comments on the forum there are a lot of them. In my case they have admitted it themselves. And know they ask me to return the device and pay shipping costs of around 40 euros for a new device, and two weeks without a streamer.

    At the beginning I thought that indeed they were very customer oriented, but it seems that commercially they are still in the stone ages.

  • Seppi Evans

    George Chatzidakis your contract is with the dealer you purchased from, it’s not Bluesound’s fault you bought it in another country from where you are living.

  • George Chatzidakis

    Hahah it is funny are you speaking on behalf of bluesound and you say to a client that you send a defective device, that it is his fault!! You are even worst than I think!

    Or you are right I should ask apologies from you for buying your product! It is a joke!

  • Permanently deleted user


    I don't know where you and George are at home as with the warranties the things are not so direct. In case of EU, still not completely regulated, the path is to keep the warranties panEuropean. So if you buy an iPhone or a car in EU country A you can request a warranty repair in EU country B.

    The problem is, that some manufacturers are contracting distributors with off guarantee contract, meaning that the manufacturer doesn't keep any kind of warranty so the distributor get lower purchase prices. The result is that the customers are the victims of such contracts.

  • Permanently deleted user

    May I know what is your position here Seppy?

    Are you a Bluesound employee and their official representative or staff of a ticketing company or just writing here?

  • Seppi Evans

    I am a customer, I do not work for Bluesound.

  • George Chatzidakis

    you were NOT the one that closed the post

  • Andrea Crema

    Zero ID

    My first and second units although exhibiting the same issue did function and allowed me to stream music, hence my comment saying I was pleased with the product.

    The random switching on of the LED panel is an inconvenience and not great. The first unit was returned because neither I or Bluesound knew what the issue was. The second unit with the same problem - recreated back at Bluesound and confirmed as a firmware issue.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Andrea

    did they mentioned an ETD for the new firmware? As my Node is also foreseen for return I would perhaps try the new firmware. But except the front led erratic behavior and always on "feature" there is also the issue with the top panel always on and the proximity sensor is not working at all.

  • Andrea Crema

    Hey Zero ID,

    Ive had confirmation that both issues are due to be fixed by firmware.

    1) The random switching on of the LED panel 

    2) The always on LED when turning off the proximity sensor

    no ETA unfortunately.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thank you all for your patience and understanding on this open consumer-based forum monitored by Bluesound. Some of the above comments will be removed as they do not focus on the subject matter.

    1) Your Bluesound warranty is in fact a Distribution Based Warranty by trusted channels with years of experience to better understand the ever-evolving EU marketplace. Your Bluesound Dealer, if cross-border, is aware of this and will be happy to assist. If you have questions or concerns about the terms or policies of this private yet open forum - please e-mail with the subject ATTN TONY - Forum Terms to send me your concerns.

    2) Our QA and Engineering team is investigating an issue with the front LED pulsing on the NODE N130 in conjunction with the proximity sensor periodically being triggered by a false positive randomly turning it on such as light from a window or a plant in proximity then turning off at a regular interval - we hope to resolve this in software in a very near-future release.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.

  • George Chatzidakis

    Perfect thanks for the reply. I guess you feel satisfied with how you resolved the issue. To focus now on the subject matter, I found the perfect solution for the led problem!! To hide the device, of course, someone would say that I am going to lose some of the functionalities since it will be out of reach, but the LED problem would be solved. So if anyone comes with this problem to you, tell them to hide the device. 


    I regret so much for having given you my money, at least I would do in local level and through all the local forums and local price aggregators whatever I can so nobody else would have a similar experience.  

  • Paul

    @Tony W. Any updates regarding the LED/proximity issue?

  • Andrea Crema

    Not yet, it is annoying seeing the sensor randomly switch on

  • Marcel


    i seemingly can +1 this proximity sensor issue with my new device :-(

    Really like it generally as it offers functionality wise 100% what i need - but this bug makes me think of returning it, some 12 days left to do so ... replacing it would be no solution as well seemingly all devices have this bug.

    If they need like month or even never get this fixed in software it would remain as a 500 euros faulty product.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Our Product Development Team is continuing to look at a workaround in software for this hardware issue but we currently do not have a time frame for our next software update.

    For more about firmware updates, new products or other great news, please Follow Us on Facebook at, Like us on Twitter @BluesoundHiFi.

  • Marcel

    I see - too bad there is no guarantee this will be fixable based on what i read, waiting possibly month for a "possible fix" does not make it feel better :-(

  • George Chatzidakis

    It is totally confusing since it seems that it is a hardware issue howcome they keep selling problematic devices. I was very disappointed with them but it is evident that they do not care.

  • RudyB

    Today (August 21, 2021) I purchased a Bluesound Node from a local dealer. I have this same issue ... the use of 'proximity' is switched to 'on' in the settings, but the display never switches off, the light stays on for ever.

    In view of an upcoming firmware fix for this I'll not return the unit yet because to me this is not a critical issue and chances are the replacement will show similar behavior.

  • Andrea Crema

    Any news on a firmware update? 

    I'm after this fix and the USB update for streaming.

    Holding off purchasing other Bluesound products as I simply cannot spend money when items are broken.

    I'm a new customer of Bluesound but haven't felt this has gone smoothly.



  • znow

    At this moment, the leds are shining more than they are off. I am asking for quick updates

  • Paul

    Tony W. You said it's a hardware issue - do we get a replacement device then?

  • Andrea Crema

    Good point Paul, that changes things in that I'd want a replacement


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