Powernode 2i-HDMI randomly switches to HDMI input




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi David

    The SONY TV is sending a stay awake signal to the POWERNODE. Consider disabling Auto Detect in the POWERNODE under Settings, Player, Customise Sources, HDMI.

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Tony,

    By "Auto Detect" I assume you mean "Auto Sense".....correct?

    As I mentioned in my original post, I have tried disabling the Auto Sense and it appears to solve the problem. However, the whole point of HDMI Auto Sense is to switch the Powernode to its HDMI source automatically when you turn the TV on.

    If you have to disable the Auto Sense for the HDMI source to prevent such switching, then what is the point in having the Auto Sense capability for an HDMI TV ARC source in the first place? It is surely pointless!!!

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Try (if enabled) disabling Wi-Fi on your TV, and see if that makes it happen less frequent.

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Bjorn,

    Switching off the WiFi is a non-starter as the TV runs Netflix, YouTube, etc!!!

    In any case, why could that make it happen less frequently?

    The Powernode HDMI interface seems to be very fragile in design in many areas and unable to work out what communications it should or should not respond to. It maybe needs some more sophisticated firmware written for it. It might then also work properly with my 6 year old Philips TV's easylink interface!


  • Bjørn Ulvik

    Switching off Wi-Fi before entering stand-by to test shoudn't be much of an issue, I believe no one will be watching Netflix when in stand-by.
    Your TV could be sending "handshake" when checking autoupdate of software.
    Otther known issues is chromecast or i.e. spotify, your router or other equipment pinging or trying to broadcast to your TV.
    Your Powernode is waking up because that what's is supposed to do when it's sensing a signal on the HDMI port.
    Your TV is obviously sending a signal on the HDMI port when it supposed not to do.

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Bjorn,

    1) Surely the Powernode "Auto Sense" is just supposed to detect an incoming audio stream as a "valid signal" on the HDMI connection. I doubt the Sony TV is sending an audio stream while it is in standby.

    2) The unrequested switch to HDMI input still occurs even if another audio stream, e.g. from Tidal, is actively playing. However, according to the "Auto Sense" menu text, the source switch should only happen, quote, "so long as a different digital input is not currently playing", unquote. So that bit of the HDMI Auto Sense is clearly not working correctly.

    3) I also notice that whenever the active source is switched from HDMI to either a live stream or to, for example, the optical line input, the volume level gets automatically set to mute. Is this by accident or design?

    Will check out the WiFi switch off later and report findings.....

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    1.) Your TV is sending a "CEC signal", not audio. That signal will turn on the Powernode if it's in stand-by mode.
    2.) Your Tidal or other audio stream is not on the digital input (HDMI/Optical)?
    3.) No idea, no issues with my setup.

  • Carlo Di Martino

    Yes. A friend recently had a similar problem with a Sonos playbar that was seemingly randomly switching to the TV optical input. He discovered that his Sony was still outputting random signals via the Toslink connection in standby! Problem was fixed with updated firmware for his Sony TV.  

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Carlo,

    Many thanks for your comments......I will try tackling Sony on this.

    Its amazing, we can have computers flying passenger jets, and yet AV electronics companies still struggle with HDMI connectivity between products!

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Carlo, Bjorn, Tony W,

    I have just spoken with Sony product support here in the UK and they categorically told me there is no data sent on the HDMI-eARC link by the TV when it is in standby.

    Seems yet another HDMI puzzle!

  • Carlo Di Martino

    Have you tried switching the Sony TV off or unplugging it at the wall socket? If the problem goes away that will of course confirm that the TV is at fault.

  • Shawn C

    Same issue with Bluesound Powernode 2i connected via eARC to Sony XBR65x950g here;  eARC constantly interrupts music from streaming services when TV is "Off" - unless you unplug it from the TV.  Newest firmware installed all around. 

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Sounds like ARC and eARC are working perfectly... but the SONY TV is sending noise even when OFF. I would continue to work with SONY.

  • Carlo Di Martino

    Sony have had firmware updates even though the TV shows latest firmware and that have to be done via USB. Have you seen this: https://www.reddit.com/r/bravia/comments/g5vcqx/new_x950gx850ga9gz9g_firmware_v63624_released_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

  • Shawn C

    I have, thanks.  I'm on current versions according to the website.  I'm not discounting that the Sony is the source of the issue - it just worked for 2 weeks and now it really isn't usable as a streaming endpoint

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Tony W, Carlo, Shawn,

    My latest findings on this issue....

    With my Sony TV fully powered off but still connected by cable, the Powernode no longer switches to HDMI and digital sources play continually.

    When the TV is powered up and enters directly to standby mode, not fully on to normal picture mode, the Powernode switches to HDMI source after 10 seconds or so. So, it seems clear some command or other is being sent from the TV to the Powernode, even in standby, to cause this.

    Tony.....this problem only occurs when "Auto Sense" on the Powernode is set to ON. However, the text associated with the Auto Sense setting in BluOS app says "With Auto Sense 'On', your player will automatically switch to this source when a valid signal is detected (so long as a different digital input is not currently playing)". So my question is.....why, therefore, is the Powernode still switching to HDMI even when I have another digital source, e.g. Tidal, playing? Also, what constitutes a "valid signal"?      (Screenshot below)

    It would seem there are some key questions.....

    1 - What is the Sony TV in standby sending to the Powernode to cause the switch to HDMI?

    2 - Why is the Powernode with Auto Sense "ON" still switching to HDMI even though it is playing another digital source?

    3 - Why is the Powernode possibly responding to so-called "stay awake" signals that the TV might be sending, rather than detecting an active audio stream? What is the "valid signal" I refer to above?


  • Bjørn Ulvik

    1. Sony is sending something it shouldn't do ;-)

    2. Switching because you are not playing on any other digital input. (Optical 1/2). Tidal is not "digital input"

    3. Powernode is responding because it's "sensing a signal" on the HDMI input. Your Sony is sending something it shouldn't do.

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Bjorn,

    1 - Depends......see point 3 below.

    2 - A Tidal digital stream is a digital input by my reckoning!!!

    3 - .....or maybe Powernode is listening to something it shouldn't!

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    1. Still Sony sending a signal it shouldn't do.

    2. Your choice :-)

    3. Bluesound is obviously following the HDMI standard, HEAC+ (Pin 14) and HEAC- (Pin19).HEAC- is the "Hot Plug Detect pin".

  • Dave Chawner

    Hi Bjorn,

    I'm not sure if you work for Bluesound or are just an interested bystander, but I would expect Bluesound to take this up with Sony and come to some conclusion. It's not really acceptable to depend on customers to do product management work on behalf of Bluesound.

    By the way, I used to be a Product Manager for Sony Broadcast Europe!

  • Shawn C

    To me, the relevant Bluesound bit is: "2 - Why is the Powernode with Auto Sense "ON" still switching to HDMI even though it is playing another digital source?"

    This feature appears to not be working correctly, regardless of Sony's involvement. 

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    I caught that too Shawn and have asked our Quality Assurance team to investigate.

  • Lars Ole Ottesen

    I have the same problem with my Sony TV KD-XG9005.

  • Pat C

    Hey Tony, any update on this please? The random switching to the HDMI input when I am playing music from USB is growing increasingly tiring. 

    It seems clear that this is a Bluesound issue and not a Sony issue - as identified above, the Powernode simply should not switch inputs when another source is already playing.

  • Carlo Di Martino

    You maybe correct but it is still a Sony issue. This to my knowledge, does not happen with any other brand of TV and I have seen it occur with SONOS products as well as Bluesound. Every time, a Sony TV was involved.

  • Pat C

    It is weird that this only happens with Sony TVs, but the BluOS app says "With Auto Sense 'On', your player will automatically switch to this source when a valid signal is detected (so long as a different digital signal is not currently playing)." Even if the Sony TV is sending a CEC signal when in standby mode, per Bluesound's own description of their Auto Sense feature, the input should definitely not switch if you're already playing music.

    Bluesound should either address this issues themselves, or if that is not possible, work with Sony to find a solution (or at the very least provide some kind of explanation). I bought the Powernode 2i because it promised to seamlessly integrate my music listening with my TV. Auto sense is a key part of this. But the frustrating reality is that enabling auto sense on the HDMI input makes listening to music using other inputs really difficult.

  • Dave Chawner

    Hello Pat C,

    I totally agree with you! It needs lobbying from a manufacturer to get a company like Sony to address an issue such as this. There might be good reasons why Sony TV CEC interface behaves as it apparently does. I know from my time working with Sony that Sony is generally very thorough when it comes to both defining and implementing protocols.

    Bluesound need to firstly recognise the issue and then explain to themselves why their product does not follow their own product description. Then if it is some form of interoperability issue, take it up with Sony, product management to product management. Otherwise, we are left with stalemate, with each side saying it's the other side's fault!

    Fundamentally, as both you and I see it and irrespective of Sony, Bluesound's Powernode 2i product does not perform to its own product specification, as sold to its customers.


  • Shawn C

    It sounds like the HDMI signals received by the PowerNode aren't being validated prior to processing them.  Sanitizing inputs should a requirement by now.  Sure, Sony might be sending something funky down the wire to Bluesound that causes the PowerNode to interrupt its intended operation (switch audio inputs against the desired autosense settings) or mute everything instead of switch to power saving when the TV is powered off, but Bluesound is the one choosing to process that input.

    If a vendor sends inappropriate data, the data recipient isn't a victim of the transmission; you have to validate the data as appropriate and filter the inappropriate data out.  Ask all of the companies whose websites have suffered SQL injection attacks over the last 20 years about input sanitization.  This is cybersecurity 101. 

    Whether Bluesound works with Sony is irrelevant - Bluesound is the one who designed something to respond to (presumably) non-standard inputs this specific way.  This should be concerning as a principle that these IoT devices are using, perhaps though other interfaces (like web, Bluetooth, etc.).

  • Flavio Ruedy


    is this issue ( POWERNODE 2I-HDMI RANDOMLY SWITCHES TO HDMI INPUT ) solved with the new Powernode (2021) ? I`m planning to invest in this new Powernode plus Sony TV ! thanks !

  • Paulo Zegarra

    I am experiencing the same issue with my TV a Sony XBR-49X800E and a BlueSound Node, I suspect this is an issue related to the TV and not the streamer because this issue only appears with Sony equipment and seems like Bravia have some non standard features for connectivity.


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