

  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    I am pleased to inform you all that we have received confirmation from Amazon that the issue with the BluOS searches Internal Server Error has been resolved. You should now be able to use the feature without any further issues.

    We apologize for any inconvenience that this may have caused you, and we would like to thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this time.

    If you encounter any further issues or have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Amazon customer support for further assistance. They will be more than happy to help you out.

    Thanks for #LivingHiFi

  • Patrik Schaffenrath

    Same problem here :(

  • Kris Whitman

    Forgot to mention this is using Amazon music thru Bluos.

  • Arthur Whaley

    Same issue. Something is definitely wrong with Amazon Music search on Bluos. It works just fine on Yamaha's MusicCast and through the Amazon Music app on my phone and TV. Bluos is the only app I have with an issue searching Amazon Music. Hasn't worked since yesterday.

  • Charlie Rouse

    Same problem here.  Not working on Node but Amazon Music is working on other devices.


  • Terry Brazier

    Same problem here.


  • Joerg Sauer

    Everybody affected by this should probably open a support ticket with Bluesound so that they gain some visibility on the extent of this, the affected regions, etc.

  • Bob n

    Mine seems to be working now.

  • Jochen Riedlinger

    It worked once for me this morning.
    After succefully searching and listening to one album I wanted to search for another one....and it stopped wotking again😠

  • Renato Sandrini

    Non funziona 😡

  • Terry Brazier

    I keep getting 'Remote service error' using Amazon HD.

  • SteveK

    I'm also having the same issue: "Content couldn't be loaded, Internal Server Error"

  • Kris Whitman

    It appears to be working fine tonight. It seems the issue has been resolved. Thx

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Team

    Just to confirm, Amazon Engineering has in fact reached out to us and confirmed they located the source of searching errors and have resolved the issue at their end. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

  • Joerg Sauer

    Bluesound accusing Amazon of doing it wrong when BluOS is not working correctly is a bit like you blaming the operator of the power plant when you have a blown fuse in your house.

    Amazon Music is working perfectly - I just have to open the Amazon Music app to confirm this. The only thing not working here is Bluesound's Amazon Music integration, because the only situation in which Amazon Music exhibits a problem is when we are trying to access it via Bluesound's software.

    Maybe Amazon changed something. I find it highly unlikely, though, that this was in violation of their specs and SLAs. It is much more likely that there was a change that exposed a bug in Bluesound's Amazon Music integration. (Which is why I find Bluesound suggesting here and via their support channels that it's all Amazon's fault quite egregious.)

  • Renato Sandrini

    qualche giorno fa ho aperto un ticket, poco fa mi hanno "risposto" mettendomi un link qui. Mi hanno suggerito di disconnettermi da Amazon Music, riavviare il Node 2i e rifare il login, ma fatto tutto, non mi ha risolto. Nel frattempo continua a non funzionare.


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