
22 Kommentare

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    October 17. https://www.stereonet.com/uk/news/bluos-4.0-software-update-coming-soon

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    According to the "interview/demo video" on YouTube; "It's gonna come out in March....in march or april."

  • GoGo Delicious

    Below is why companies do not share road maps with the public. 

    According to the "interview/demo video" on YouTube; "It's gonna come out in March....in march or april."

    The above is just an example. There are other posts in other topics on this form asking the same question, "When is Blue OS 4.0 coming, they said in Spring, March, April, etc." As Seppi said "Spring lasts until 21st June."

    Also keep in mind, that when a company rep says something, it is taken by the public as written in stone, and we can see that by the posts that keep saying "they said it will be released in March/April." Never mind that issues may have come up in development or testing or QA, between the time of the interview and the March/April delivery date that has made the release in those months unattainable.

    The response from those who want a road map would be something to the effect of "Then they should tell us it's being delayed." The answer to that is no, they should not. If you have to ask why they should not, then you clearly do not understand this post and I suggest you read over and over until you do.

    As far as the release of BluOS 4.0 is concerned, I can tell you EXACTLY when it's coming out. THE DAY IT'S RELEASED.


  • woodie

    As far as the release of BluOS 4.0 is concerned, I can tellyou EXACTLY when it's coming out. THE DAY IT'S RELEASED

    Sheesh, a dyed-in-the-wool fanboi! Wow.


    Surely it's better to wait until they've got it as good as they can get it, rather than rushing it and then getting a load of criticism here and elsewhere? There's a while to go before Spring is over and even if it's a bit later than what originally announced, in the grand scheme of things a delay isn't the end of the world. 

    There may also be commercial reasons too around the timing - we have to remember that they are a business first and foremost, operating in an extremely competitive and unforgiving market.

  • Joe

    The whole thing is of no use to you if the customers bail out or buy other
    buy other streamers or switch to another provider.

    I've been waiting for more than 3 years now for the bitrate display that every cheap and free app provides.

    Except - "we pass it on to the development department", 
    nothing came.

    Simple example:

    Should it again become nothing, it was the final with Bluesound.

  • woodie

    You could not be more wrong, GGD.

    Speaking from experience, MANY software companies share roadmaps with customers. Producing software is an engineering discipline, with objectives, timelines, resources, etc. Failing in this is - apart from exceptional circumstances - a either failure to apply the proper disciplines, or a management failure. Among people in the industry, this is widely understood.

    Most successful software producers - think Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, VMware, et al - and even hardware producers - think Intel, AMD, Cisco, Samsung etc. - share roadmaps with their customers, detailing what features will be there and when. I have seen those myself.

    If timelines slip, immediate communication with those customers is key. I am sure you understand that if you tell someone you are going to be late they will accept it, but saying nothing and showing up late is far worse.

    Communicating is key. It's not rocket science.

  • Aliaxandr

    The Spring is almost over. When BluOS 4.0 will be released?


    You're lucky Aliaxandr, sadly, in the UK, we're still waiting for Spring to start!!

  • Aliaxandr

    Hi Ali 👋! I think that in the UK this update will not be available at all, since you live all the time in the autumn season 😆😂🤣.

  • Joe



    Much more important than the "spring" is the year ... 
    Maybe the big update will come in spring 2024, 2025,....

    However, then we will no longer be in the BS family.






  • Aliaxandr

    Joe ! I generally tend to think that my grandchildren will install a big update 🤣🤣🤣

  • Hi Bluos Team,
    Do you have on your 4.0 roadmap a consideration to introduce a max volume setting for the NAD C658?

    Reading through respective threads, it seems that it would be a valuable feature to a number of users.

    Thanks in advance.

  • Just realized the feature is NOW AVAILABLE! You rock 😃 

    Thank you! Can’t wait for 4.0

  • Bodi

    Well, Spring ends in about 2 weeks so you better get ready :P

    Be careful installing .0 versions though... I'll wait until the first experiences drop in. I'm having this annoying Soundbar+ HDMI audio dropout which they refuse to fix, can't have another bug or else my wife will force me to sell all my Bluesound stuff. 

  • Aliaxandr

    Release of BluOS 4.0 postponed till October.

  • Bodi

    Totally missed that thanks! 

  • Aliaxandr

    Official comment:

    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    “We deeply value your feedback and appreciate your input. As a result, we have decided to reschedule the release of BluOS 4.0 to October. While our initial plan was for a spring launch, we are committed to incorporating your valuable insights in this release, resulting in the best possible version of Blu-OS. We aim to create a truly exceptional experience for you and are excited to deliver on that promise.”

  • Aliaxandr

    Barvin K. (BluOS)
    May 31, 2023, 8:37 AM EDT
    Hello Aliaxandr,
    Thank you for contacting the BluOS Support
    We deeply value your feedback and appreciate your input. As a result, we have decided to reschedule the release of BluOS 4.0 to October.
    While our initial plan was for a spring launch, we are committed to incorporating your valuable insights in this release, resulting in the best possible version of BluOS. We aim to create a truly exceptional experience for you and are excited to deliver on that promise.
    More information can be found on our community page here: https:/./
    support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/ posts/11980727766807-BluOS-4-0-spring-2023-
    announcement-?page =1#comments
    Thanks for choosing BluOS.
    The BluOS Support Crew

  • Ned

    Well, now that my BluOS app has completely stopped seeing my Node & speaker, I hope a revised OS can be made available now even in beta.  That also would be a terrific way to collect bugs to ensure a trouble-free autumn launch...

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Ned

    As always - App not seeing the Players is networking-related - please restart your network router, then wait 5 minutes... if problems persist, or return our Support Crew at support@bluesound.com will be happy to help troubleshoot.

  • Ned

    Problem solved -- it was my router's firmware -- it has IPv6 enabled in the new version, which caused very odd issues (others found it in their gaming platforms but like me, not on other devices).

    So: disabling IPv6 (plus oddly setting APN to manual on the hub) fixed it and I'm listening to my music again!

    thanks for the help


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