Connecting both bluetooth and cabled speakers




  • Official comment
    Bjørn Ulvik

    Portable speakers will use ethernet or wi-fi.
    All speakers will appear in the player drawer. Could be used as single players or grouped. Can be controlled by more than one BluOS Controller.


  • Tony

    Sorry Sean, have not got round to doing it yet. Covid then my Vault ceasing and a 2 month wait for parts means I have left it for now. I did speak to the shop where I bought it and they say it is not an issue and yo can have all speakers going or just the Cabled or Wireless. They agreed wit Bjorn and said the interface can control it.

    Good Luck. 

  • Tony

    Thanks Bjørn, big help

  • Sean Rooney

    Hey, Tony (and Bjorn!),

    Sounds like you had a similar situation, but wanted to make sure it worked. I want to run my stereo in my living room with my wired speakers and use a remote wireless speaker but have them all play the same music input from BluOS in sync.

    I have a Yamaha AVR but apparently the Musiccast 20 isn't compatible. Just trying to add a speaker outdoors to the pool area.


  • Sean Rooney

    Appreciate it. Just got over my second covid bout. Good times.

    I may just order it and try it out!


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