M10 V2 - Wired Headphone use?




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Danny

    This is not a hardware limitation but is being investigated by Product Development Team for future implementation via a firmware update. I don't have any details on timelines at this time I can share. Our goal would be to implement this on both generations of the NAD M10.

  • Ken

    Hi Tony, please help to push for this long overdue feature.

    Without this feature, a separate source component is required for headphone listening.  So this feature is a significant value proposition for potential M10 customers.

  • danny goldstein

    Thanks but honestly this question was asked for V1 two years ago with the specific hope that it would be a firmware update at that time and the answer came back that none would be forthcoming.  So it is actually strange that no one saw fit to include it in V2 upon release.  There are a lot of wired headphone users out there who want to take advantage of very high end cans + headphone amps  - that blow away bluetooth headphones - and your product oddly can't accomodate us.   You have a great product, not sure why your designers have once again handcuffed it when all that was needed was a switch in the app to turn off the speaker terminals.  

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for the feedback Danny - it has been passed along. That being said, it isn't always quite as easy in software to implement that switch. Some items do take more time than others. We do appreciate your patience and understanding though.

  • danny goldstein

    Agreed.  This is the single reason why I have not purchased the M10 ever since it came to market a few years ago.

  • Izzie K.

    TBH I have bought a Node, 2 Powernodes, a NAD C700 and an M10 in the past month. I just went to hook up my headphone amp today to my C700 and found this page as a result of searching for a solution.  I had assumed the pre outs would just be able to set to fixed in BluOS, like I have done on the node. Obviously this would need to be an option on the pre outs only and not the speaker level outs.

    This concerns me so much that I'm considering returning the whole lot.  I want the same platform for my whole house and only chose Bluesound because of the high end options by NAD and partners.

  • danny goldstein

    Join the club. It is hard to believe that this limitation still exists.

  • George B

    Still THE deal braker for me as well for both M10v2 and C700.

    I would have picked one of these if this limitation was not existed.

    Using bluetooth headphones is not a real answer

    We are not asking for a headphone amplifier, just the ability to use an external one

  • Ken

    An update is sorely needed.  This has been a known issue since the introduction of M10.  Few would have guessed that it is still a problem today.

  • danny goldstein

    And still no solution.  Truly mystifying why this hasn't been fixed yet.   In the meantime, competitors are coming up with comparable products where this is included day one.  A no-brainer.   Unreal.

  • Morten Bremvåg

    It is disappointing to see that this still hasn't been resolved. I have RME ADI 2 FS DAC that I use for a pair of Focal Clear's and I would like to integrate that to my Dali Rubicon 2 speakers with a NAD M10 V2 or NAD C700 amp. It would be very nice to integrate the RME to the pre outs, but I guess not...

  • danny goldstein

    They lost a customer here.   I chose to go in another direction.   Hard to believe that in 2022 this is something they can't do.   It's bizarre.   This should be a basic function of the unit.   

  • Ken

    Any updates?  Please!

  • Topping DX3Pro is a bluetooth headamp .I wonder if C700 would recognize it as a BT device (like a BT headphone) and send signal to the amp .That would solve the problem .

  • David Luttmann

    I have the original M10. This issue has been discussed now for 5 years. Let us know one way or another. It can either be implemented or not.

  • danny goldstein

    They are not going to fix it.   Plain and simple.


    It's beyond insane.   As I wrote above, they lost a customer over this.  I will never touch another NAD product.


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