External DAC



  • Official comment
    Christian Allen

    Will Sahlman, the internal DAC in the Node N130 is better than average. SQ is good. Would probably need to pay over the amount you paid for the Node to get a better standalone DAC

  • Tony Aguirre

    Like many I am sure, I was concerned when the DAC reviews for my Node 2i were questionable so I did an A/B test with a Topping D30 Pro. With my Naim Nait XS setup, I didn't notice any difference at all so the BlueOS 2i stays right where it is doing the awesome job that it always has for the last year. 

  • Christian Allen

    You were fooled by Bluesound like many others believing the Node had functioning USB Out capabilities. The USB Out was promised by Bluesound but not delivered as yet. Its been 7 month. Bluesound reps will not even address this issue as I asked yesterday. The solution to your problem is to use the COAX output of the Node into COAX input of your D90SE

  • Will Sahlman

    Thanks! Why doesn't bluesound have a help line? They've emailed me a few times with curt answers.  I have a coax coming today so hope that works.  I'm starting to be skeptical that streaming music can come in audiophile quality.......

  • Will Sahlman

    So, i got the coax and it works!

    So...when i A/B the Bluesound with and without the external DAC, it's only about 10% better. Is this normal? I was hoping for night and day. Maybe streaming is limited compared to cd or vinyl, but i thought with all this lossless tech it would be great.

  • Will Sahlman

    So, is it possible to have the Bluesound + DAC sound as good as a CD?  If so, how much does one have to spend on a DAC to do that? Mine was 800 and it's really not doing it for me. It's fine, but still dull in comparison. I'd rather spend money on a DAC if I can get that sound, rather than give up on streaming. 


  • Ken

    Your DAC looks very promising on paper.  Its sound may just be not to your liking.  Beyond a certain level, it's very subjective.

    If you are using lossless or MQA streaming, your set-up should sound as good as CD already.

  • Christian Allen

    Will , you may need to go into the Settings of the Topping D90SE (Look on Youtube) and make adjustments. You have an excellent DAC

  • andy aldridge

    I agree with Christian you should be getting better than CD sound with that set up. What CD player are you comparing it too, and what are the other parts of the system?

    Re USB out, last time I asked got "likely before the end of the calendar year" as answer so that will give you another option to try.

  • Wim Kapteijns

    Recently I connected my Bluesound Node to an external DAC by a the coax cable. The DAC is part of my new Rega Saturn mk3 CD-player/DAC. In my opinion a better performance than the DAC inside the Bluesound.

    BUT......... when I change from one (saved) radio station to another (TuneIn) within the Bluesound app I hear a loud 'crack' in my loudspeaker. Not with all of the radio stations, which I think will be caused by different formats / bit rates.

    Has anyone experienced this? Why does the Bluesound have no troubles with it? (Good!) And why would it cause trouble in the Rega Saturn? Any ideas for solutions?

  • Joe McS

    To spin off the external DAC topic, I also upgraded to a Geshelli J2 and the improvement is only slight. I'm only 1 year into my hifi hobby. I find the analog gear is much more lush & fuller than streamer or CD. The vinyl sounds better to my ears. I'd be willing to re-up the DAC if it would bring that kind of warmth. I'm not sure my ears are worthy. 

    McIntosh 200W integrated

    KLH Model 5 speakers.

    Analog path:
    Fluance RT83 turntable / ortofon 2M red

    Ifi Zen phono preamp

    Digital path:

    Amazon Music HD
    Bluesound node 2i /wifi connected

    Geshelli J2 dac / connected to streamer via coax

    using balanced outs to amp

    Well treated room.


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