PowerNode 1 no sound




  • Official comment
    Sam R.

    Please reach out to the support crew via support@bluesound.com so they can help you out further. 

    In the meantime, I'd also do the following: disconnect your POWERNODE from its power source as well as disconnect the speaker cable for a day (at least 24hrs). Afterwards, try playing music again from it (Radio Paradise would be the best test) starting at a low volume and slowly turning up to see if you get any audio.

    Sam R.

  • Milorad D

    I have exact issue with my powernode gen 1. Resets or unplugging for a day did not help. It appears that connectivity is good and I can play the content from my services, but there is no sound coming out of the speakers. @Trevor Harvey - Have you found any solutions yet?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Please reach out to the support crew via support@bluesound.com so they can help you out further. 

  • Matthew

    HI All,

    I have a similar issue. I leave my N150 unplugged when I am not going to use it for a few days and recently I cannot get any output when I plug it back in and power up. On power up, solid red LED for a while then Blue. Player shows in the App, library all there etc etc but despite App icons showing as playing track no output. It is not the wiring as I did get everything working by restarting with everything unplugged and carefully reconnecting the speakers once the Node was up and running. As soon as I restart the system again I am back to the same issue.

    Support have suggested going to a dealer but before I go that last resort I wonder has anyone got any ideas?

  • Tijn de Jong

    Hi, I have got the same issue. Has anyone got it resolved?

  • Bruce Miranda

    I had exactly the same issue. I had to unplug 2 x Powernodes due to a room refurbishment. Now when plugged back in they don't output any sound. The speakers are working fine. The units themselves respond to the app and the buttons on the unit update in the app too. I thought it might be the firmware got out of sync with the app while they were unplugged. But now the 2 units are on the latest firmware versions too and still no sound. How can 2 x Powernodes go bad at exactly the same time.


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