Notifications stopped with 3.14.1?




  • Official comment
    Sam R.

    Hi Sukant,

    Thanks for bringing this up -- Desktop notifications were removed post Desktop app v3.12.0.

  • Mike

    No worries Sam.  I am surprised a lot of people wanted them removed - you can't please everyone :)

    Maybe a toggle option to enable them if wanted.

  • Sukant Hajra

    Hi Sam,

    Is there any way we can consider bringing them back?  Operating systems seem to offer a way to control their enablement or disablement, so it seems like a generally good feature.

  • Mike

    Another vote to bring them back.  Notifications were working fine in 3.14.0, but not 3.14.1, so I am confused as to why Sam is saying 3.12.0.

    Alain, the Windows download is 300mb, Mac is just over 200mb, the Linux AppImage build is only 80mb.  Wildly different sizes for what amounts to the same "cross-platform" Electron app.

  • Sam R.

    I will pass your feedback forward but the overwhelming response from users was to have them removed completely regardless of Windows/MacOS configuration (this is the first semi-positive feedback I can recall ever hearing about them)

    Mike - my mind might've mixed up the public release numbers, my mistake

  • Sukant Hajra

    It's been a few months since I thought to come back to this forum.  But I'd like to make the case for why I love notifications.  When listening to things like Radio Paradise, I don't often have the website up with their playlist.  I suppose I could have that up, but I just don't.

    So I like the notifications queuing up.  If I want to ask "what was that song?" I can very easily.  I just look through the old notifications.  And I even have keybindings to help me do that very conveniently.

    Furthermore, if notifications are annoying, I can control them from my operating system.  I don't need the app to make that decision on my behalf.  However, I can appreciate a simple toggle for people that aren't as much power users.  I'm even okay with the option being defaulted to turned off if the general sentiment is that they are noisome.

    That said, I'm intentionally finding myself not wanting to move to later versions of the controller, because I love notifications that much.

    So I'm really making a plea to revert the commit that removed notifications, and toggle the option with a settings switch.  I think it really helps us have a superior product with some really nice benefits.


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