Serious Problem with Powernode2i
Since support isn't getting back to me, I figured I'd post here. Over a month ago I noticed something wrong streaming music through my powernode 2i. All the music seemed skewed to the right. Vocals that I remembered being pegged in the middle were now more to the right. And not rock solid. When I contact support, they suggested all the usual stuff, hard reboots, etc. Even did a live remote. At first I thought things were better, but they weren't. Finally, I put on a hi-fi test track and used a sound meter. What I found was that the right channel is outputting 5-7 db louder than the left. Consistently. I swapped the speakers around to confirm it wasn't them. This is a huge problem which, obviously, is affecting my imaging, sound stage, etc. And of course, the unit doesn't have a balance control so I can't compensate for the flaw. Frankly, unless there is a firmware reinstall that helps, I'd like to swap out the unit as it's only about 7 or 8 months old. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this.
Official comment
Hi Laurence
Thank you for your patience. We do apologise for the delay in getting back to you. Between a busier than usual Holiday Season and COVID-19 protocols in The Greater Toronto Area, our Support Crew has been working as best we can to meet everyone's needs.
We will need to take a closer look at this one but in the meantime, please try factory resetting your Player. It's not often you see me suggest this. Please ensure you back up your Playlists first.
Playlist Back up;
Factory Reset;
If those do not work, please be patient, we will be in touch -
Hi Laurence, I experience the same issue.
My Node 2i is connected to two nomo amplifiers, i try swap amplifiers, speakers, and even try some audition test.Fortunately my audition is perfect.
The problem remains, the right channel is louder than the left. The sound stage is unbalanced, incoherent.
My I os software version is 3.12.5. I think i don't experience this problem on older versions
Many users ask for a balance control, there is many reasons to include this feature, audition, speaker placement, room issues, integration whit other components.
So please try to include a balance control we will all appreciate.
Node 2i is a superb device it deserves outstanding os.
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Sorry to hear that.... i know how annoying it can be. Ultimately, I returned mine and got another... the new unit works perfectly. Before the right channel was about 5 db louder (I measured). All I can say is report the problem to bluesound or your retailer and ask for a new model.
Yes, a balance would be nice.... but it shouldn't have to come to that.
Good luck!
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Hi Laurence,
Interesting.....before I bought my Powernode 2i-HDMI back in September as a part of my HiFi upgrade for this year, I had originally purchased an AudioLab 6000A Play. When I first played music through the AudioLab, I immediately noticed the sound stage was shifted to the left, even though the balance setting was centre. I eventually returned it to the dealer for refund and bought the Powernode 2i instead, which has been fine in this regard.
The problem with the AudioLab was not just with streaming sources, but also with local sources like the TV. I never received any feedback as to what was wrong with the AudioLab.
I now have two Powernodes and they are both fine in this regard, although I have had a problem with the HDMI connection not working with an older Philips TV I have. Typical HDMI incompatibility issue!
Suggest you return the Powernode and try a new one.
Good luck!
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Interesting. I can say that mine definitely wasn't like this when i got it; I actually really loved the unit. And i might be wrong, but I think it started after the last update, which Blusound support says had nothing to do with sound.
Stay tuned.
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Have you tried going back a version or two in the software chain?
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I haven't. I just reloaded the OS at the suggestion of the retailer before taking it to them. Unfortunately that didn't work. I guess I should try an earlier version since the upgrade was when it occurred (I think). I'll let you know. thanks.
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Where can i find earlier versions? I just see the latest.
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Thanks Tony... I not only tried this (on numerous occasions) but also just did a OS reload on the suggestion of my retailer. Nothing has helped.
We even did a remote session but, to be honest, I don't think the support guy I was talking to even got the issue... he just wanted to make sure "sound was coming out of both speakers."
Thanks of looking into this.
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Tony (or anyone else from product support)... I just wanted to follow up. I sent my unit in and my retailer confirmed what i said and actually replaced the amp in the unit. I've had it back for a few weeks and ... I think it's better... but I'd swear the music still skews right. Granted, I'm hyper focused on this now (to the point where I can't enjoy music at times)... and perhaps my room's acoustics have something to do with it. My question is, are you guys ever going to add a balance function? I've seen many people ask for it, and being able to nudge my left side would be super helpful. Thanks!
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Actually, just tested it with a meter again.... it's not better. After the Amp was replaced (apparently) the right channel is still 5db louder than the left. I confirmed this by switching the speakers to the opposite outs and testing again. Same result only on the other side. I really don't know what to do.... I just wrote the retailer again, but not sure that the answer is other than looking for different products.
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Hi Laurence,
I'm surprised that a retailer would actually replace an Amp, so my guess is that they changed nothing! Have you asked for a product swap so you can try another unit in your system? That is really the only way to prove or disprove whether it is the Powernode or some other problem in your system.
By the way in case it's of interest, I bought my initial two Powernodes (2i-HDMI versions) last Summer. However, I soon discovered that both exhibited 1 - 2 second, random, audio drop-out problems when using the HDMI input. After much discussion with the dealer (here in the UK), the dealer loaned me their demo unit to try, which turned out to be fine, no HDMI drop-out. The dealer then agreed to give me two brand new units to replace the original ones I had and these have been fine in this regard ever since.
Note, there was never any feedback or explanation from the dealer as to why the two original Powernodes had the audio drop-out problem! All units were running the same software version, so I guess there may have been some form of batch hardware issue at play here. I don't have any balance issue with my Powernodes.
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Blusound probably would have replaced it but I live in the NL and suggested I contact my retailer. They confirmed the problem and sent it to their main repair shop in Belgium. I'm pretty sure they did what they said.
BTW, there's no "system" involved here. Just the powernode directly to speakers and, as of this week, a sub.
I've asked for a replacement or a swap to something else. We'll see.
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Just to update this thread: After months of BS with the retailer who, rather than just swapping out the unit, wanted to "fix" it. Apparently, they switched out the amp, which did nothing to solve the problem. To make a very long story short, I was without it for anywhere between 1-2 months, waiting (shipping it to them, they shipped it to their "repair center" in Denmark, back to them, then to me... then shipping back to retailer to confirm the problem... more waiting). In any event, again, rather than just sending me a new unit they refunded me. Fine by me. So I turned around and ordered a new one from a big retailer which is sort of the Dutch equivalent of Best Buy. I got it the next day and it's up and running, perfectly. Sounds great... nice wide, perfectly articulated soundstage. I'm really happy, but at the same time super annoyed by what it took to get here.
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Hi Laurence, you have my sympathy. I'm currently trying to get a straight answer from NAD as to how to network connect to a NAD T758 v3i using ethernet cable instead of WiFi. I get different answers from different support people. Seems like NAD/Bluesound have great concept, great hardware, however questionable software and confused support. Customer's own trial and error seems at times to be the only option!
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Hi Laurence
I am sorry to hear and glad to hear. I have passed your feedback along...
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Antknee Williamson Are there any news regarding balance control for the Powernode 2i?
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PS... it's interesting to me that you have this issue with the node, not the powernode.... My retailer initially replaced the amp thinking that was the problem.... when I got it back the problem remained. (You'd think they would have checked!). So clearly the issue has nothing to do with the amp. Tony, please take note.
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I just noticed this same issue with my PowerNode. After 4 or 5 days of use, the imaging has shifted drastically to the right channel.
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@John Lloyd. I ultimately had them replace mine. I measured the db's coming from each speaker and it was a definitely problem. No problems with me new unit for almost two years now.
Now that they've updated the firmware, you can adjust the balance. But you shouldn't have to. If your's has the problem, I'd definitely have them replace it.
Good luck.
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