WIndows 10 - BluesOs Controller really really slow...



  • Richard Carlson

    After suffering from this problem for a long time, I finally found the fix:  Search your computer for everything with "bluos" and delete everything you find. Deleting some of the files will require admin permission, so it's easiest if you log in as admin.  You'll find that there are many, many old files found in your search - almost 6000 on one of my machines.  Then do a clean install of the latest Windows desktop controller, and you'll find it to be much faster and more usable - at least I did.

  • Kevin Eyewanders

    Also of note, the most recent version, 3.12.3, has made a change to the volume slider which is now, finally, responsive to a mouse click-&-hold to drag the slider up and down for volume adjustment. This has never worked in any version for well over a year. Glad to have that particular annoyance finally sorted out.

  • Richard Carlson

    Kevin Eyewanders, glad it helped you!  I remember when this was a common problem, but most apps now clean up after themselves pretty effectively when updating.  Maybe the support team can fix this.

  • Kevin Eyewanders

    I have been running a Node2i for just over a year and mostly use the Windows controller (on Win10) and have noticed over time, particularly the past few months it seems to get slower and slower, more and more sluggish. Mine is not to the level you are describing but it has certainly gotten to the point of quite irritating. There is hesitation throughout the interface, from mouse clicks to (in particular) using the search field regardless of which service I'm running (which is primarily Qobuz and a locally area network NAS library indexing on the Node2i). 
    My mobile app, as you describe, works like lightning in comparison, but I prefer the desktop controller by a huge margin as my phone is not always in my hand (where as a laptop is always on the end table in the room) and browsing selections is simply more enjoyable and easier on a larger screen.
    There've been other quibbles - volume slider still doesn't respond correctly after multiple controller updates, and the playlist cannot be properly reordered when using a mouse (must use touchscreen for it to work).... but I've ignored those. This sluggish interface though is becoming a GIANT frustration however.

  • Kevin Eyewanders

    Richard Carlson I just performed exactly this (honestly something i've not done in quite a number of years for windows applications troubleshooting - I was in desktop support for a many years half a lifetime ago) and it made a noticeable, in fact very noticeable difference to performance for my installation. Cheers.

  • Kevin Eyewanders

    Richard Carlson - yes exactly. It's been since the days of WinXP and Win7 when bloated registry entries became problematic over time and uninstallers not being complete, mismatched .dll's etc etc. Win10 has been relatively free of these sorts of issues, but it certainly helped in my case this morning. It's incredibly noticeable. Thanks. :) 


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