BBC Sounds

Followed by 59 people




    Thanks for the full update. This is much more reassuring and makes sense now. Securing the Tunedin BBC stations is the priority.

    Having dealt with the Beeb in previous jobs they can be very bureaucratic and slow, so you have my sympathy!

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    They are nice folks, but the wheels turn slowly as you mention :-)


  • Mark Everett

    Good News!
    Well, for users in the UK at least, it would appear that all BBC station URLs have now been updated in TuneIn to deliver the latest HLS streams. Excellent!

  • James Brownlie

    It would still be good to have the full BBC Sounds service on BluOS!


    That's fab news! I haven't been interrupted by those termination announcements for a week or two, so I was hoping that something positive had happened.🤞

  • Great news Mark, let's hope it sticks this time and I can go back to recommending Bluos products to my friends.  It would be good to get the news officially from Bluesound

  • LD Williams

    To add the BBC Radio stream as a Custom Station, perform the following steps:

    In the BluOS Controller App, under the left Navigation Drawer select TuneIn > Favorites. The TuneIn Favorites screen is displayed.
    Select Add Custom Station. The Add Custom Station modal window is displayed.
    Enter the Name and URL1) of the station.
    Select OK. The Custom station is now added under TuneIn Favorite.

    The links below are all high quality 320kbps streams 

    BBC Radio 1

    BBC Radio 1Xtra

    BBC Radio 2

    BBC Radio 3

    BBC Radio 4

    BBC Radio 4LW

    BBC Radio 4 Extra

    BBC Radio 5 Live

    BBC Radio 5 Live Sports Extra

    BBC Radio 6 Music

    BBC Asian Network

  • Kes Green

    Still no news on this? I also listen to a lot of BBC radio and would love a proper Sounds integration.

  • Steve Wilson

    Just like to add myself to the list of people who'd love proper BBC Sounds integration. I use the app a lot particularly for catch up and would prefer not to have to go thru Bluetooth.

  • Phil 3100

    @LD Williams the link to BBC HLS stream URLs was posted some time ago. Although I'm still using some of them as custom stations, I believe from the post above yours that the HLS streams were added as defaults by TuneIn around 3 months ago. What people are asking for now is proper BBC Sounds integration to listen to podcasts, stream previously broadcast shows etc. without having to resort to Bluetooth. +1 for that please!

  • LD Williams

    @phil 3100 The stations show up but are not available in my area (UK) believe it or not

  • Mark Everett

    @LD Williams - there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to access all national and local BBC HLS streams directly from TuneIn unless you're using stored pre-set(s) which are trying to access discontinued Shoutcast ones.

    Please try the following navigation to access the current streams :-

    > TuneIn > By Location > Europe > United Kingdom > National Networks > BBC (Show all)


  • Phil 3100

    @LD Williams - Strange. I'm in the UK also and added several BBC stations as Custom Stations using the HLS streams several months ago, when the discontinuation of service messages were being broadcast on the TuneIn stations. I've since added TuneIn's station link for BBC Radio 2 back to my favourites, but I also still have the Radio 2 customs station link that I created, and I can play both of them.

  • LD Williams

    @Phil-3100 Correction, I thought you meant the android app of tunein! I was out at the time so went to the app on my phone without thinking :(
    Yes I can do the same

    @Mark-Everett same for yourself, I was looking at the android app  and not the bluesounds app :(

    Sorry folks, my Only excuse was that I was attempting to do several things at once, and Obviously doing none of them well at all.

  • Max Rogers

    Hi all, I’ve just started listening to 6music via Tunein and I’m not seeing any song/artist info in the BluOS app. It works fine on other stations. Can anyone else see this on BBC stations?

  • LD Williams

    No you can't, just like bitrate isn't shown

  • Martin Butcher

    You only get the station, DJ and the word content on all bbc content. Half the time the dj name is wrong lately. Just listening to Sara Cox on radio 2 and the display says its Jo Whiley who is on in about 15mins time.

  • Paul H

    Unfortunately the individual BBC station URLs posted above by LD Williams have very recently stopped working: they now return 'Gone'.

    As an alternative I can listen to BBC stations by choosing them from the TuneIn menus in the BluOS controller app but, for some reason, BBC Radio 5 Sports Extra seems to be an exception.  I've had to resort to bluetooth to listen to the current Cricket World Cup, as I not been able to find an alternative.

    If having BBC stations provided by TuneIn is the current BluOS product solution, it needs to work. 

  • Phil 3100

    I was only listening to the BBC Radio 2 HLS stream that I'd saved as a custom URL a few days ago. I can confirm that it as also shown as gone in the BlueOS app :(

    Just found this on the BBC website:

    However I can still access the R2 320kbps stream directly through TuneIn.

    Would asking TuneIn to add R5 SE to their BBC streams cause it to automatically appear in the list of available stations in BlueOS I wonder, or would Bluesound have to ask TuneIn directly?

  • Tom

    As BBC Sounds is on sonos devices already I thought I'd contact the BBC and ask if they could add Sounds to BluOS devices.
    . Maybe worth prodding some other people (with this post being 4 years old).

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    Couple thoughts here, please do prompt the BBC, we have recurring and regular calls with them and have been chasing this for a long time.  On the "add a custom URL", if you look at the V3 of their SDK they deprecated that feature, we have fought and won to keep it going, and it will reappear soon in the apps.  Again, this is a customer choice issue, we want you to have access to choice.

  • Rob Barnes

    Whenthe URL stream disappeared suddenly, I got everything back to my Presets via the following route [nothing new here tbh] Without Presets it would be an overlong route each time.

    Tunein > By Location > Europe > United Kingdom > National Networks > BBC

  • James Brownlie

    Message sent to BBC to request Sounds is made available for use on BluOS. I recommend that others do the same.

  • Kes Green

    I have also sent a message to the BBC, although I suspect they won't take much notice unless a significant number of people request Sounds integration.

  • Andrew H.
    Brand Manager

    It all helps, each time we talk to them any additional pressure helps

  • Phil 3100

    Me too, quoting their statement in the announcement regarding removal of direct HLS streams that "The BBC must do everything reasonable to ensure that UK listeners are able to access the public services that are intended for them...". I have requested direct access to BBC Sounds via Bluesound and also a response. Will wait and see...

  • Steve Wilson

    I too have contacted the BBC requesting direct access to Sounds. Here's hoping.

  • Phil 3100

    Reply from the BBC:

    "Thank you for contacting BBC Sounds support.

    I understand you would like BluOS to be supported for use with Sounds. I don’t have any information on when or if this will happen, but I will happily take your comments as a suggestion.

    We have a dedicated BBC Sounds feedback report that I recorded your suggestion and comments on. It will be seen by the Senior Management and the BBC Sounds Product team. Hearing from our audience is a vital part of helping us improve our service, so thank you for getting in touch."

    So the more times that BlueOS compatibility requests are mentioned in the BBC Sounds feedback report, the more attention it will hopefully attract.

  • Tom

    I got the exact same response from the bbc. I certainly don't think it would hurt for people to request Sounds support on BluOS devices.

  • Kes Green

    Same response for me. I daresay every request helps.


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