Android device can't find bluesound device.
AnsweredYep, another one. I just bought a Bluesound Node2i. Connected it. Installed the Windows program on my Windows 10 computer. It found the device just fine. Then I installed the "app" on my Android Tablet. Galaxy Tab E. Model number SM-T560NU. Android version 7.1.1. Samsung Experience Version 8.5. Kernel Version: 3.1049-12562000.
When I installed the app on the tablet, it did find the Bluesound device. So I started poking at things on the app, trying to figure out how to use it. I had already indexed my music collection from the Windows computer. I'm using an external drive stuck in the USB connector on the back of the Bluesound unit. Anyway, the tablet can no longer find the Bluesound unit at all.
Router is a NETGEAR R6300.
So what gives? Seems lots of people are having this issue.
Also, when I ran the Controller program on the Windows machine, it wanted to update the software on the Bluesound unit. I let it do that. I don't know what software version is now installed on the bluesound box. No idea where to find that.
Official comment
Hi Paul
Players showing in the one App and not the other usually have to do with traffic being blocked in the router. Please check your router settings to ensure Multicast is enabled. Also if you have a mesh network or multiple access points, check those as well. Help, Send Support Request in the App and and we can help...
A breakthrough, of sorts...
I decided to try my other tablet. It's a smaller one, a Galaxy Tab A. I installed the controller app on that one and it found the player. It seems to work just fine. Played some songs. No worries.
I'd like the Tab E to work, but until I figure it out the small one will do.
I did un-check the the "disable IGMP proxying" checkbox, but that didn't help the Tab E.
If/when I get the Tab E to work I'll let you know what fixed it!
Thanks for the help!
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Update: I got my Tab E to see the Bluesound unit. I used "The Nuclear Option": Factory reset. Once it was back up and running, the controller was the first app I installed. It works. Given that the Tab A was working, the problem had to lie somewhere in the Tab E's settings, or some app I installed a year ago was preventing the controller app from working.
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In the Windows App, click "Help" and then "About" to see the version of the app and the bluesound firmware.
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I am running firmware version 3.4.3. It looks like that is the latest version. The Windows app version is 3.4.6. I assume that's the latest since I just downloaded it.
I upgraded my Netgear R6300v2 firmware. That had no effect.
So far I can't find a setting for multicast in the router's settings. Google says "the only setting for multicast is to un-check the disable IGMP proxying checkbox in the WAN setup area." That doesn't make sense to me as this isn't a WAN issue.
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The enabling/disabling IGMP makes sense - placing that option in the WAN section does not - Let's blame Netgear's UI design...
Keep us posted...
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I hate having to give that advice and avoid doing it unless it absolutely has to be done. Glad it worked out for you.
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