

  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Andy

    We are working with TIDAL to see about an updated API to include My Mixes in a near future release. Thanks for your patience.

  • Pibipi

    Thank you in advance. I'm really waiting for that too :-)

  • I really waiting for that too 

  • Nigel Sargeant

    I would very much like to see this added. Thank you 😊

  • Jan Sijm

    Oh yes, I also want support for 'My Mixes'.

  • Yes please prioritize this, since Tidal and Bluesound go so well together but discovering new music is now a hassle.

  • Pibipi

    Hi Tony W.,

    I Really think this is taking way too long. Today I got an update for my bluesound module, so I thought: YES, today it will be solved.............................not :-((

    I'm starting to lose my confidence in Bluesound as platform for for audiophiles. Because the time you take to integrate My Mix doesn't give me the feeling that Tidal users matter.

    Sorry for my harsh words, but this is really frustrating to me

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Pieter

    Please let TIDAL know as we look forward to an updated API from them...

  • Pibipi

    Okay, good to know that the bottleneck is with Tidal. I definitely will let them know.

    Next time please keep us informed so we can help pulling the right strings.

  • Rasmus Skoven

    Any updates on this ?

  • Pibipi

    I contacted Tidal, and below you can read  what happened. So please all ask Tidal also to make an effort to solve this quickly.


    Mario (TIDAL)
    Apr 18, 6:19 PM EDT


    Thank you for reaching out to TIDAL Support!

    I have forwarded your feedback to our Product department, which we meet up with once a week to discuss our customer feedback in detail.

    I can't provide you with an immediate response to confirm the status of your request. But, as said, do know that we truly appreciated your feedback and use it to help shape TIDAL to fit the wants and needs of our TIDAL members.

    In the meantime, feel free to send an email to if you have any additional feedback.

    Thank you for being a TIDAL Member!


    Best Regards,



    TIDAL Member Support




    Apr 18, 6:18 PM EDT

    Seriously? Is this your answer? I think this is really unbelieveable. No explenation or what so ever.

    First I thought Bluesound was the problem and doesn’t take their customers seriously, but now I see that Tidal doesn’t seem to care about their customers. Of course a lot of us use bluesound, so come on, work on it! And otherwise, let us know why you don’t work on it.

    I’m really stunned.






    Mario (TIDAL)
    Apr 18, 9:49 AM EDT


    Thank you for reaching out.

    TIDAL does not currently share access to our API. I'm sorry for any inconvenience.

    If you have any other questions please let me know. Have a great day.

    Best Regards,



    TIDAL Member Support


    Apr 17, 4:30 PM EDT

    See my conversation below with Bluesound. They refer to you to provide an updated API. You must understand that Tidal users often use Bluesound, so come on: make it happen!





    22 minutes ago

    Hi Tony W.,


    I Really think this is taking way too long. Today I got an update for my bluesound module, so I thought: YES, today it will be solved.............................not :-((


    I'm starting to lose my confidence in Bluesound as platform for for audiophiles. Because the time you take to integrate My Mix doesn't give me the feeling that Tidal users matter.


    Sorry for my harsh words, but this is really frustrating to me


    Tony W. - Product Support Manager

    9 minutes ago

    Hi Pieter


    Please let TIDAL know as we look forward to an updated API from them...



    Okay, good to know that the bottleneck is with Tidal. I definitely will let them know.


    Next time please keep us informed so we can help pulling the right strings.



  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thank you for checking Pieter

    We also continue to ask at our end too

  • Ralph Hensel

    Hi Tony,

    You said you were waiting for an API update from Tidal. I don't have any written confirmation from Tidal itself yet, but it seems to have been available for Android for quite some time. For example, the USB Audio Player Pro app supports the My Mix Playlists.
    Could you please give us an update on the status?

    Best Regards,

  • Janis

    Any updates on this subject? It's been 8 months since the creation of the thread and still no mixes in Bluos.

  • Pibipi

    Yes, very dissapointing that this is still an issue.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    HI Ralph - et al

    We continue to speak with TIDAL about this...

  • Ralph Hensel

    Hi Tony,

    thanks for the update. I really appreciate the Bluesound app and especially the fact that it is always updated for free. I really think that Tidal is very reluctant to do that. This is a unique selling point for their app and other apps (Roon, Aurdirvana) also don't have access under Windows. I would be very pleased to get the feature in the Bluesound app. Pease keep us informed on the progress.

  • Tibor TOHAI


    Why don't you go for a simple"cast-like" integration, like with Spotify? I think lot of users would prefer using native Tidal app by pushing one button that would cast music to a blueos player. This approach would also eliminate the need for going after platform updates and new features time-to-time.I mean BluOS GUI is good for local music browsing from NAS, but not the best experience for streaming service providers (opinion).

  • Hi,

    I am also very interested in having this feature in the Tidal player of my Vault 2.

  • Robert Brugman

    really missing this option. Any news about the integration?

    Too bad btw I cant use the native Tidal app in stead of the Bluesound app.

    Would playing via airplay lower the sound quality, I was wondering. Else that would be a possibility and being able to use the Tidal app.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    You will not receive MQA or lossless playback unless you use the BluOS App. Remember to also mention to TIDAL that we eagerly await their updated API

  • Thomas Quinci

    This is unfortunate - not being able to use an updated Tidal interface with Blusound.  One would think investing in the hifi subscription and using high-value hardware would work seamlessly.  No wonder why so many people just get / expect things for free.   

  • Robert Brugman

    In dutch we have a saying "from the cupboard to the wall" . it means that people/businesses are referring to eachother for a solution. This feels like that. Tidal support "

    Hi Robert

    We apologize , unfortunately we do not have the answer here at TIDAL support and any feedback we receive we immediately forward to the product team so they are aware of what are amazing clients want and need in this app.""

    So, who can make this happen and who is responsible for not doing anything, Tidal or Bluesound? 

    I am still very eager awaiting having my mixes in Blueos.

  • Pibipi

    Thanks Robert and others for keeping this subject alive.:-)
    I already gave up on this issue. Unfortenately I lost my faith in a good coorporation between Tidal and Bluesound.
    (What would it be nice If Spotify offers lossless playback, I'd skip Tidal immediately). 

  • Jan Sijm

    'cupboard to the wall' indeed or 'paarse krokodil' :-)

    It's sad that I regularly have to revert back to Spotify. From a usage perspective, their functionality is much better. You can use their app with all functions etc. Sad that Tidal does n't offer that option and even more sad that they do n't open new features to hardware manufacturers immediately.

    If Spotify ever goes lossless, I would also ditch Tidal immediately.


  • Robert Brugman

    Total agree.Such a pity that Spotify doesnt offer lossless/cd quality music. The only reason I have Tidal is because of the hi res audio. I am not so impressed with there interface, with music they recommend and their support.

  • G-Star Rocks

    Trying to keep this link alive. Total shame. Same issue with Amazon Music HD - it’s Bluesound folks blaming Amazon for not sharing API and Amazon blaming Bluesound. The streaming software technology/OS is still not mature and calls for a lot of development work. I can only imagine Apple or Amazon coming with its own hi-res software and hardware someday. Almost all streamers in the market are having issues with compatibility. Please share one which is not and I’ll jump on purchasing it. PS Audio maybe?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thanks for your patience G-Star

    We have passed your feedback and concerns to our partners at TIDAL and Amazon to in fact make a better experience with our mutual consumers.

  • Alexander Laufer

    1 year ago since this issue was added, still waiting for it............. I'd like to add it's up to Bluesound to maintain their relationship with Tidal and ask for this feature integration, not to the users. That's why we pay for stuff! 

  • Jan Sijm

    It is really sad that this is not solved. Using Spotify Connect is so much better, from a user experience perspective.


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