Can USB port be used to provide constant voltage out?




  • Official comment
    Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Remo,

    The USB port for the NODE is not designed for your use case scenario. Unfortunately, you will have to manually turn on your third party amp.

  • Remo Pennacchioli

    I get it's not designed for that but a little less cryptic answer would have been appreciated.  Customer support is supposed to be about helping customers, not jet reading spec sheet.  

    How about this: "hey, I can understand how someone might not want to sell their highly invested equipment nor want to go downstairs to fire up the amp.  Maybe I'll add this as a feature request with a couple options:

    1) User settable trigger to allow a pulse or constant voltage

    2) Maybe allow integration with HomeKit or Google home, etc where the node can trigger a smart switch and turn on the amp."

    Is this too much to ask for?

  • Alain DW

    I think you could use the trigger out on the Node to a trigger relay that will provide mains power to your amplifier. These modules cost around 10 €.


  • Remo Pennacchioli

    Thanks for your reply.  The models out there all require constant voltage since the they are not a flip flop type relay.  In other words, it would just turn it on and off within a second.  

  • Alain DW

    Some time ago I asked in this forum whether the trigger was pulsed or continuous. One member of this forum stated that the trigger was continuous and the answer was marked as an "official comment", so I guess it was vetted by Bluesound. (

    Even if the trigger were pulsed there are plenty "bistable" or "pulse" trigger relay modules out there, try that in a search.

  • Remo Pennacchioli

    Thanks for your reply.

    I really don't understand how vague some of Support's answers are.  If in fact the 12v trigger is constant, why wouldn't Support just state that in my OP.  The answer implies that it's not a constant voltage.  There is also no spec anywhere that clears that up.  I guess I have to wait for mine to arrive and test it myself.

    Regarding bistable relays, they are plentiful on the market as just relays, but not in finished products like a triggered outlets.  All the outlets or power bars I'be been able to find are constant voltage.

  • Pinot Gris

    Responses by BS are sometimes utterly inconsistent, confusing and obscure

    1. Alain's link above shows an official comment saying it is constant.

    2. Link below shows a BS comment saying it is a trigger.

    Only thing I can confirm is constant 12V on Node 2i, measured by multimeter. The 12V drops to 0 after not being used for 15 minutes.

  • Paul S

    I use trigger out on my 2i and can confirm what Pinot says above - it is constant, not a pulse.


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