Unable to add songs to a playlist from the Apple desktop app
AnsweredThe playlist feature is not working properly. I noted this about 6 weeks ago during a telephone support call regarding artwork. I simply want this logged as the system is not working properly.
I am unable to select any of my playlists when I try to add a song to a playlist from the desktop app. Of course this is irritating.
I am able to add a song to a playlist form my iPhone, or iPad, but I use the desktop app as my primary interface with BlueSound and my library.
Hence this is very irritating, and it reduces the functionality, and enjoyment of BlueSound.
Please advise when this will be fixed.
Official comment
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the problem, but it looks a lot like you have "server mode" activated and no usb device plugged in the streamer.
There is a thread about this: https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/28945065776023
This also results in an empty "select playlist" on BluOS.
Then again it is maybe unrelated.
Thank you for the idea, I did indeed have server mode on, not really sure why it was on, I only use a USB occasionally to backup my playlists.
Anyway, I did turn server mode off and it did not change anything. When I tray to add a song to a playlist from the Mac desktop app my playlists do not show up, hence I cannot add a song to a playlist form the desktop ... but I can from the iPhone app ... strange and irritating ...
But thank you for the suggestion ...
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It looks like we may have to get used to a new (and irritating) feature, once more.
I totally understand that Bluesound keeps on developing their system and I'm certain many users will be pleased with this function. But adding a new item should not make things more complicated, or worse, for those users that have no need for it. If not in use, the new feature should not compromise the normal operation, which this one does.
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