Powernode N330 (2024) wifi issues




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    Just some observations…

    Your Router should be switching to a non DFS frequency when it detects Radar, equally you should, be able to manually select a non DFS channel for 5Ghz rather than letting the Router decide.

    The Fritz!Box range of Routers (common in Germany) can detect DFS channels when you turn on Wi-Fi on the Router and then it won’t subsequently use them.

  • Thomashinze

    Unfortunately, the powernode immediately switches to the stronger 5GHz because the access data is identical. i cannot force it into the 2.4Ghz band. I can only hope that it might be possible to restrict the band in BluOS. I'm not going to switch off the dual band for the Powernode here at home. The solution with the TP Link Bridge on the Ethernet port solves the problem as the bridge only handles 2.4GHz and the Lan port of the Powernode is always prioritized. But is that what I want? an extra 20EUR device connected to a 1000EUR hi-fi device to make it work? doesn't fit together for me.

  • Thomashinze

    Vonets VAP11AC - By the way, this is a very reliable and high-performance dual-band bridge 2.4 and 5Ghz

  • Thomashinze

    i use unifi access points for providing wifi network - with fritzbox 7490 and 7590 the 5GHz and wifi 5 protocol always had problems- the whole wifi 5 was paused for up to 10minutes. the fritzbox event logs explain it to me. again. i did not have any issues with other wifi devices. again - i can reproduce the non working band switching

  • Seppi Evans

    So you have Wi-Fi running on the Fritzbox devices and the Unifi WAPs?

  • Thomashinze

    no. i had replaced any fritzbox model with unifi APs for WiFi, Gateway ( DreamMachine Pro) for routing etc, and a seperate vigor dsl modem for connection to isp

  • Seppi Evans

    Just manually select the channels in Unifi, auto is cranky at best.

    I live close to a major airport and have both aircraft and weather radar here, when DFS gets detected all the Routers locally start hunting down a new Chanel and they themselves clash.

  • Thomashinze

    No. I'm not going to do that. The Powernode supports two frequency bands. However, if there is an interruption in the 5Ghz band, which can happen, the Powernode will stop working completely. I don't accept that as a solution.
    Furthermore, I can also force the 5GHz exit by using Airplay. After 10-15 minutes Airplay stops, the power node is still on but it has switched off.
    logged out of the wifi. Honestly, in other articles it is repeatedly pointed out that the Powernode is an allways on streaming device and therefore has no on/off switch. But if there are problems with the WLAN, all other components are always to blame and you should unplug the Powernode. I fear that the lack of willingness to investigate the faults in the Powernode leads to an overall bad reputation for Bluesound. I also see it in other posts and I'm beginning to regret the purchase. The issue has been dragging on forever. And no, I'm not the first. If you summarize the WLAN problems, they are all very similar and at some point you should recognize that it is not 1000 people who are wrong but one.

  • Seppi Evans

    I am just another user who has DFS issues so why attack me?

  • Thomashinze

    sorry. it's not your fault. i've already invested hours doubting myself. i'm trying to make all problems reproducible. and i'm also trying to find all solutions. I'm just starting to see that it's a fight against windmills. I sincerely apologize to you if I have attacked you personally. That was not my intention.


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