Adding play previous, play next on bluesound node nano
AnsweredAdding the functionality of playing next/previous on bluesound node nano. Either bei using multiple presses on the central play/pause button (twice - play next, three times-play previous) or using the preset buttons, either on one or both of them. Using one with the multiple presses or using the two with one press for either next oder previous.
This feature will greatly increase the user experience for desktop usage.
Thank you.
Thank you, I have had considered this, but it is way too expensive. And it is an additional device on my desk. The regular bluesound node (n130/n132) has next/previous, but the nano, which is perfect for desktop use, doesn't.
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If the additional device on your desk is not a showstopper, you can try to assign some keys of any available infrared remote control to BluOS: settings - player - IR remote - IR learning. See also
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