View/sorting by ID3 tag "ALBUMARTIST"




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    When viewing your Library by Artist, this sort is on ALBUMARTIST. This also applies to ALBUM view if you sort the Album View by Artist or by Artist and Release date...

  • Raymond Bastin

    Hi Tony, thank you very much for the quick reply. My device is definitely not grouped according to the ID3 tag ALBUMARTIST. All albums are also displayed, where only individual titles of the artist are on so-called compilations and that makes it very confusing. I would like to send you 4 screenshots to make this clear, but I don't want to attach them here visible to everyone. That's why I have now only taken an excerpt from 3 screenshots and attached it. I checked the ID3 tags. Only for the 3 albums that are stored on the NAS with this artist, the ALBUMARTIST = Art Blakey is called. For the other albums shown on the NODE, a different ARTISTNAME is present and Art Blakey is entered exclusively in the ARTIST field. So the NODE indicates ARTIST and the possibility ALBUMARTIST is missing.


  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Your Album titles on Art Blakely do not match 

  • Raymond Bastin

    Sure, I think so. For clarification:

    - The 3 albums with the green dot are assigned to the ALBUMARTIST Art Blakey and can therefore be found on the disk in the "Art Blakey" folder. On iPeng, only these 3 albums are correctly displayed on the ALBUMARTIST Art Blakey.

    - 2 other albums contain the ARTIST Art Blakey and are therefore displayed in BlueOS at Art Blakey. However, the ALBUMARTIST is "Art Blakey & the Jazz Messenger". This is taken into account on the data carrier and in iPeng these albums are correctly not displayed in the ALBUMARTIST "Art Blakey".

    - the other albums you will see in BlueOS are compilations assigned to the ALBUMARTIST "2VA Jazz Blues". These are also displayed in BlueOS at Art Blakey, what does the Blue OS suggest the ID3-Tag ARTIST.


    For ARTIST with an even more extensive album repertoire or who are included in numerous compilations, it becomes even more confusing to impossible to overview. Therefore, I consider a selection of ALBUMARTIST, in addition to the other criteria such as ARTIST, ALBUM, GENRE, etc., to be inevitable if you want to respond to the needs of collectors of CD´s and Vinyl discs.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    I am escalating your issue to our Support Crew to take a closer look. But your tags are causing issues...

  • Raymond Bastin

    Dear Tony, thank you very much so far.

    I myself now work with these tags in the third generation of devices and I am in a high-end group consisting of 6 people with different network players, but we all use the same ID3 tags, as we learned in a workshop and have not had any problems with them for over 3 years.

    BlueOS will also do it right if you implement the ALBUMARTIST criterion. So far, unfortunately, it is actually only grouped according to ARTIST, as it was previously solved in iTunes. But if you have taken care of the ALBUMARTIST in iTunes, it was finally grouped correctly. For me, the grouping / display in iTunes, on the NAS, in Ipeng (Musical Fidelity Encore) and on the Aries mini is uniform and correct. Only the newly purchased NODE X differs with the BlueOS because it sort by ARTIST and not by ALBUMARTIST.

    Greetings, Raymond



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