Remove or Hide TuneIn




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Mr. Charles

    Thanks for the feedback. We are investigating Search to be a better experience including a variable default based on your preferences and where you are in the App.

    As for TuneIn itself, as the digital equivalent of an FM Tuner, and our most popularly used Service, this is why it is currently coming up as the default.

  • Brian

    I like TuneIn but would I'd prefer if it wasn't the default. Search in this version is less than satisfactory.

  • mr. charles

    Hi Tony

    Thank you for your reply.  I hope that you will consider allowing users to remove or at least hide TuneIn.  Even if it is true that it is your most popularly used service, I hope that you can appreciate that its presence is irritating for the users who do not use it.  I have noticed that this issue goes back at least 4 years since your customers have been asking for a way to remove TuneIn.  I hope that we can agree that it's time to resolve this issue for good.

  • Kornephoros

    Same requests for me:
    - At least allow setting library (or whatever service we like) as the default search.
    - At best, allow full removing/hiding of Tunein (or whatever service we do not use).
    I am sorry, but currently it looks a lot like sneaky advertising.

  • John Simon

    I like TuneIn as well, but do wish it could be removed as the default search.  

  • Scott

    I would also like to be able to turn off TuneIn, or at least not have it be default when you click on favorites.

  • mr. charles

    It's misleading to say that the app "should remember the last service you used to perform a search", even though that is what your customers would naturally expect the app to do.  What the Bluesound app "remembers" is the last service you used to perform a search SINCE THE LAST TIME THE APP WAS OPENED. (Are we supposed to be grateful that the app doesn't just jump back to TuneIn after each search that we do?) As soon as the app is closed and reopened, TuneIn raises it's ugly head and creeps back, unwelcome and uninvited, into the Search box, and every customer who doesn't use TuneIn has to go into the search box, deselect TuneIn, and choose their preferred service.  And it looks like we will just have to do that until the day we die, even though any decent programmer could fix the problem in less than half an hour.  Unfortunately, this request has only received 6 votes, so I guess it's not high on the priority list.

  • Thibault Dannoville

    Bonsoir Tony,
    Je rejoins entièrement Charles qui résume parfaitement la situation.
    Par ailleurs les versions précédentes de BluOS n'étaient pas aussi contraignantes et respectaient beaucoup plus les préférences des utilisateurs.
    Aujourd'hui on nous impose Tuneln sous prétexte qu'il s'agit soit disant du service le plus utilisé mais ce n'est pas du tout le cas en France et les clients équipés de système d'écoute haut de gamme tel que moi même n'utilisent, et n'utiliseront jamais ce service. Au final BluOS fait le choix de nous polluer l'interface certainement pour satisfaire un sponsor qui le rémunère derrière ce qui n'est vraiment pas honnête vis-à-vis des utilisateurs.
    Si on perd en liberté et en simplicité d'utilisation, il est certain que vous allez perdre rapidement des clients qui se tournerons vers des solutions audiophiles bien plus impartiale, sérieuse et simple dans leur approche tels que Innuos ou Aurender etc...
    Encore une fois c'est très dommage car j'utilise BluOS depuis maintenant 5 ans et jusqu'ici j'étais plutôt satisfait de l'interface (malgré quelques petits bugs ponctuels selon les versions...).

  • Thibault Dannoville

    Good morning,

    I'm in France and I'm seriously considering abandoning Bluesound permanently because the interface loses quality over the updates. It's a shame because I already have 2 Node and I was quite satisfied with them. Tunenl is almost unknown in France. No one around me uses it or knows about it. Being a confirmed audiophile with a high-end audio system, I only use Qobuz. I am therefore considering converting to the Innuos system which seems more honest and more dedicated to quality music. The fact of not being able to configure a basic function such as the default source clearly shows that the Tuneln service pays Bluesound to have exclusivity and therefore to advertise.

  • Thibault Dannoville

    Bonjour Tony,

    Merci pour votre retour.

    Cela dit, le sujet n'est pas de savoir pourquoi Radio France ne collabore pas avec TuneIn, mais uniquement : Pourquoi BluOS impose à ses clients Français (et européens) le service TuneIn alors que nous ne l'utilisons pas (ou peu). Ne pas être à l'écoute de ses clients n'a jamais été une méthode payante sur le long terme. Je ne suis visiblement pas le seul à faire ce feedback et visiblement BluOS ne souhaite pas entendre les plaintes de ses utilisateurs les plus fidèles ce qui est très dommage.
    Il parait inconcevable que vos équipes de développeurs ne sachent pas faire en sorte que l'utilisateur puisse choisir quel services afficher ou non sur la barre latérale de gauche. Ce n'est pas normal que nous ne puissions pas personnaliser notre propre utilisation en supprimant Radio Paradise et TuneIn. 

    Pour votre information, à chaque lancement de BluOS c'est bien TuneIn qui se remet par défaut et non Qobuz... Je dois donc systématiquement penser à changer le service à chaque utilisation, ce qui n'était pas le cas avant.

    Cela signifie que plus les mises à jours sortent, plus vos clients utilisateurs perdent en liberté et en choix de personnalisation.

    Personnelemment je n'aime pas cette philosophie restrictive. Si cela ne change pas, je quitterai définitivement les services Bluesound pour aller chez les concurrents qui sont devenus très compétitifs aujourd'hui (ce qui n'était pas le cas avant).

    Merci pour votre aide,


  • Pehr Johnsson

    Hi Tony.

    Why can't I have the choice to decide all the services I want to use with my BlueOS system?  I just want to use Qobuz, nothing else.

    Even though TuneIn is popular, I don't want the service. How hard would it be to just add a feature to not show TuneIn in the app?

    Spotify is the most popular streaming service, but you don't force us users to watch content in Spotify.

  • Kornephoros

    @Tony W.
    Thanks also for your opinion, but you could as well blame TuneIn for their failure to renew their distribution agreement with Radio France.

    And for my part, I still blame Bluesound for not letting us choose to put first the service we want instead of TuneIn.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Thibault

    When you search using the BluOS App, the App should remember the last service you used to perform a search, in your case Qobuz. If that is not happening, please send us a Support Request form the Settings many so we may take a look.

    Please see this Help Centre Article for more details;

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Thibault

    Thanks for your feedback and opinions. That being said Radio France, and not BluOS has made the decision to remove TuneIn from their catalogue. 

    Please see here for details;


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