Bring back the way the queue used to work
AnsweredDon’t want items in queue to be Ideleted when adding new It would be great to be able to easily add multiple items (playlists, albums, songs) to the queue sequentially. It used to be that when you added an item then added another item, the second item would appear at the bottom of the queue. Now the original item gets deleted before the second item is added. This makes it much more difficult to create a large queue so I can easily shuffle and create Megalists. Please vote “yes” so we can get this functional back!!!
Official comment
Hi Soul Man
The functionality still exists by using the context menu to add music to the queue. Here's how;
I agree ! My vault is working now, but dealing with the whole playlist thing is really bad. Creating playlists before was so easy, now it’s a major pain.
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With BluOS 4.0.2. Released October 17, 2023. We got Updated Play Queue logic when adding content for immediate playback, which is the worst f****** garbage ever introduced.
Either revert this or make BluOS 3 available for download again!
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In speaking with our Product Development Team - context menus not appearing on Playlists is a miss and will be added in the near future...
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Honestly - more than a month - these things take time as they have to be spec'd out.
Thanks for your understanding.
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So we have a one song at a time streamer now, because of an update Ive yet to see an upside too. Waste of time to try and load songs into the Q if you miss the three dots by a thousandth of an inch and delete the Q over and over. Am I supposed to buy some kind of stylus now for my ipad??? Just what everyone needs to try and stream music in 2023.
2 1/2 days of trying to use this thing and wiping the Q I just made over and over again. Who is out there that wants the Q wiped every time they accidentally miss the three dots and hit a song instead. What a joke. I can't believe they forced this on every Blu-Os product owner. Maybe we will fix it in a month or so. Until then, go ahead and shop around for a different streaming product with better software.1 -
Thank you. Any idea how soon
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Fix the play queue already, it's been ages, I don't understand why you broke the way it worked in bluos3 with the buos4. I still haven't seen one person liking the new bluos4 way of managing the play queue.
I don't understand why we can't have the option to download both versions, so we can choose which one we want on our device.
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I don't believe they have any intention of fixing the new play queue. The three dot problem has always existed, it just didn't used to delete the play Q. It just added that song, album or playlist to the Q at the top. But you could easily delete it. All they had to do is make the area where the three dots is wider, or not have the ridiculous auto delete. Does anyone actually believe that there were so many people complaining about having to delete the Q manually that it was implemented??? How lazy are people? Whoever the genius is that implemented the auto delete Q should fire himself. Also this update scrambled my Amazon songs and changed a bunch to MP3 quality that were Ultra HD and HD. So a complete rebuild of my playlists. Hell no. I canceled Amazon and am not going to get Tidal or Qobuz until I buy a new streamer. I had a NAD M23 and M33 on order and canceled it. Good thing I fired up this Node 2i and found out about the software nightmare. I would have been livid after spending that much money on a streamer and amp just to find out they screwed up the software for the entire BluOs system. Just give them a month, no big deal. WRONG. I'm shopping streamers now. Hifi Rose is on top of my list, but I am going to the audio store and play with streamers 1st. All this because I don't want to add a computer and Roon and crap just to stream hi-res music. It's 2023 and streaming with a simple one component solution is still a joke. Anyone with any other recommendations for a one box streamer with good software please post it. This update should have been a BETA test offering for at leas 6 months until all the bugs were fixed. And should have been a warned BETA test. Test at your own risk. For the tweakers who like to play with their systems. I just want to listen to the music. Not play message back and forth for a month or two with the very people who caused the failure.
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@Michial Seifert, you nailed it. I also feel that they prioritized wrongly with the new Q behaviour. Just like you said: people who don't want the Q to keep filling up can simply empty it from time to time.
Better yet (as I stated in some other post) they should make the behaviour configurable.Regarding your question about streamers: the wiim products are supposed to be very good but I haven't tried them myself. They are also very affordable.
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Keep the comments coming. That’s how you vote what will eventually get implemented and the priority level of the request.
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Does not work for playlists
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It’s nice to hear I’m not alone. Thanks for your support.
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Any updates on this? Have Bluesound even acknowledged it's an issue? Getting really fed up of play queue constantly getting deleted every time I tap on a song or the app doesn't think I pressed the three dots.
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Well they originally said around a month from when I asked them originally, it hasn’t been that long since then. Hopefully in another few weeks. Will see.
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Hi Soul Man, thanks for the info :)
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I feel your pain
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Someone said you should add them to a new playlist now, instead of a queue. Has been complaints on Hifi forums about this. Some users are looking to change to a different brand.
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Not trying to make fun, but maybe you should train your finger. LOL To complain about some mistake you seem to be repeating is not the fault of the software.
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