Attached USB Drive
AnsweredGetting my USB Drive to even show up Ver 4 is a mystery to me. I've been able to finally get it engaged after reboots, detaching, attaching, and rebooting some more.
I was following the BlueOS instructions slowly, methodically, and still, very buggy. I finally gave up on enabling server mode, and just went with I had before the Ver 4 upgrade.
Interestingly enough, was that under the previous Ver 3xx of BlueOS, there were always 2 USB icons to choose from in the BlueOS source list. Only one of the icons was the right one. The other USB icon was empty.
Would be interested to know anyone else had issues with getting their USB drives to show up and function, and if they were able to enable server mode.
Also, was I the only one who had two USB icons to select from under source/s?
Official comment
Hi Thomas
If you have multiple USB sources, you either have multiple USB drives plugged in via a USB Hub or your USB drive has multiple partitions on it.
We do not support USB Hubs in Server Mode but are investigating multiple partitions on a USB drive to only report the primary partition.
Same problem here: 2 USB icons in version 3 and with the upgrade to 4 the USB drive is gone. exFAT with only one partition, worked fine for years in the old operating systems.
No luck after several reboots, disconnecting etc. Blueos App on my ipad crashed 4-5 times in the process.
Seems to me Bluesound unleashed something very buggy on us.
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I was able to get my usb drive back by detaching drive from rear of node, then rebooting node, then re-attaching the usb drive. If you're lucky, you'll get the dialog box asking if you want to "enable" server mode, or something like that, PRESS "NO". That got my usb drive to appear once again in the music sources list, albeit 2 usb icons. I haven't inspected my usb drive yet, to see if it partitioned, but that is a possibility as to why I have two usb icons in the source list. One has my music files, the other is empty.
Hope this is helpful for you.
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Same problems here since 4.0
I have had multiple tickets open as the support team tries to work through the problems.
I have been able to get my Node 2i to once again see and index my external library (Western Digital HDD) after many reboots even after the post 4.0 upgrade that supposedly fixed that problem.
I have had absolutely no success getting Server Mode to work. My Node now sees my external drive but no files on it (there are 30,000+ tracks) when it rarely asks if I want to enable Server Mode. That rarely happens now when I insert the USB connector.
Bluesound suggested I reduced the number of files in my library and try again. They also said that some of my tracks had very long file names, but that’s common with classical works.
So backed up and reformatted my hard drive, deep scanned it with the Western Digital Utility (it passed) and copied one album ( America’s Homecoming). That process took an entire day
After unplugging the Node 2i for quite sometime while I was on a trip, I powered it up and when all was ready I connected the refreshed HDD containing the one album.
The Node 2i recognized the USB connection and went straight to indexing it, no prompt to ask me if I wanted to use Server Mode. I have disconnected the drive, rebooted the Node 2i, and reinserted the USB countless times and not once has it prompted me to use Server Mode when I open settings and look at the Music Library the Enable Server mode option no longer even appears
I have spent countless hours trying to get my Node 2i to work and now it appears to be getting worse not better.
And I now have to wait at least 48 hours for any response from Bluesound Support to start another round of back and fourth messaging.
I am a neighbour of Lenbrook living less than 15 minutes away and have offered to bring my unit to them so they could deal with it directly rather than relying on the diagnostic logs attached to support requests. No interest on their part
i have asked for them to call me rather than message but that appears not to be an option
The only alternative appears to be to get a NAS setup as I have pretty much given up on Bluesound to fix my Node 2i. Hopefully my Node 2i would see a NAS as it did before BluOS 4.0 but that would mean keeping the defective Node
The real alternative, to replace the Node 2i with an Eversolo DMP an6, isn't possible as I cannot sell the Node 2i to help fund that purchase as it doesn’t work properly.
I own PSB speakers, and a NAD integrated. I chose the Node 2i as Bluesound is part of Lenbrook who I had come to trust after being a client for more than 40 years.
But this BluOS 4.0 debacle has wiped that trust away and left me frustrated and annoyed as a result of Bluesound’s inability to fix a problem of their making.
Total incompetence.
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I was always curious about Roon, but a year or so ago I tried it out and I don't know what happened, but I didn't see a way of it working, or didn't understand something or other. Fast forward to last month, I now know that I don't want to be without it. Now I "get it", and the annual fee is all worth it to me. It's a hobby after all, and not too expensive compared to boats, rv's, photography and other activities. All good here!
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As it stand now USB functionality is buggy as hell, completely broken, or, if you're lucky, you have no issues at all. It's just a lottery right now. For me it's buggy as hell. I have a folder with a ton of music in it by various artists, but the individual files are not part of an album so the folder doesn't show up under "Albums" which leaves me with no way to access these files. As far as I'm aware the dev team is aware of the many USB issues but who knows how long it will take them to fix this.
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Sorry, I don't have the same situation as you do, with individual tracks. All of my music on the external drive are within complete albums. Also, I just noticed that I am back to having 2 USB sources to choose from, just like the version of BlueOS. One of them contains all of my music, the other one is empty. I tried on numerous occasions to "enable" server mode, to no avail.
And, when reading the instructions on, none of the help they had was what I was seeing in my apps until today. Today I noticed that my iOS apps were the new vers. 4 apps, while my MacOS app is still from "the olden days" of last week.
I think Bluesound is definitely cooking up a great app/OS, but maybe(definitely) released a bit too soon. Can't fault them too badly because I really like their products (have two Nodes and one Powernode).
Thanks for chiming in. It's always good to share experiences and find out I'm not losing my mind.
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Not by luck, by design;
The empty partition is usually what we see and is a system partition the drive manufacturer creates to store back up utilities their consumers may find useful.
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Thanks Thomas,
After rebooting several times the dialog box for "server mode" is not appearing any more (I pressed YES twice previously) nor is there in the settings any menu option to change the setting.
Next I might be setting the node back to factory settings, although, seen the flood of complaints about usb, one would expect a fix from Bluesound by now.
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Node found USB again after I put it back to factory settings…..
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This is ridiculous. The UI for being able to see what is happening is non-existent.
The documentation for re-adding your missing USB drive is wrong, outdated.
How difficult is it to enable a USB drive?
When the OS works, this is an OKAY product -- it is not a steller or easy to use product, it is buggy as all get out.
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In agreement. My node 2i and node no longer work like they did before V4. I’m getting drop outs, never used to happen, and no re-indexing when I detach the external drive to add new files and re-attach . There are times when my node is not seen by BlueOS.
So, not too happy with what’s happened since V4 update. I do like the new UI, when it works, but l don’t know if I could recommend Bluesound to a friend.
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Steps to get my USB drive back, these are stupid but they worked.
1. in bluos app, disable server share
2. unplug device (shame on who voted for no power on / off)
3. plug it back in
4. the bluos app asks about sharing the USB drive, server share YES
5. reindex, play music
this software is stupid buggy and non-intuitive.
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Glad it worked for you. This has never worked for me.
That’s one of the real problems with this upgrade, a total lack of consistency. What works for one user doesn’t for others. I get that we have different versions of the Node, but the code can’t be that different.
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What I don't understand is the apparent total lack of understanding and caring about this issue.
I guess kudos to allow this discussion to be open and public, that's one step better than a lot of people do - but if it doesn't promote a change that works what good is this?0 -
Hi Roman and Tom - I see both of you are working with our Support Crew and both of you are working with escalated support. You are both in good hands.
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Thanks for the reply Tony.
However, the length of time this is taking, and the apparent inability for Bluesound to fix the issue, and the amount of time I have spent on trying suggestions and opening up a new ticket referencing the prior is not something either you or I would find satisfactory. I am now on my third support request. The suggestions Jade made took quite a while to implement without success, so I am back with another ticket and another diagnostic log.
This experience is impacting my trust in Bluesound and the Lenbrook Group as a whole. And I have been PSB and NAD client for decades.
I think the saving grace for you is that most reviewers use Roon to access their libraries via their Nodes, Power Nodes, Vaults, and Edges. As a result, no one has called out the Server Mode issue in a public forum.
Should that change, you may find yourself dealing in a more public forum the same way DTS Play-fi ended up fixing their gapless playback issue.
I hope not. You guys are neighbours of mine.
Thanks again for your reply.
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Same issue, I have 2 Nodes, both were able to see my SSD drives prior to the 4.0 "upgrade"... now, not so much. Ive tried all of the combinations of listed fixes as well as a full factory reset... nothing. Its well documented on the web so this seems to not be an isolated issue.
Ive also tried to attach them through the Node controller app. I can locate them but attaching them fails
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Too funny, I also just went to ROON and it works perfectly. Node App looks like a science project, Roon operates the Node as you would expect. I couldn't believe how quickly it identified my server, SSD and iPad.
Problem solved... for an extra $15/ month0 -
My 2 nodes are working normally, once again. A problem I was having were dropouts and reconnects. Very annoying and, without a solution, I was ready to give up on the nodes and go with a Wiim pro.
One of the things I did, which seemed to help was to connect the node via Ethernet cable and then do a factory reset/reboot.
And then, we changed from infinity cable to quantum fiber, with their modem, and things are all good, again. No more drop outs.
I also no longer, for the most part, use the bluesound app, as I have transitioned to Roon. With the Roon desktop, or iOS app, I can pick which bluesound node to send music to, eliminating the use of the bluesound apps.-1
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