HELP! Wireless/Wi-Fi speakers with Vault 2?




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager


    A POWERNODE installed in a sheltered protected environment to outdoor speakers is in fact your best bet as it sounds like you are coming to that conclusion too. In fact, we just boosted the power with the new POWERNODE N330 from 60 to 80W per channel at 8Ω

  • Seppi Evans

    From memory you need an “i” version for Bluetooth, even if yours does have BT the range may not be enough for speakers to perform optimally. 

    Other ideas…

    Pulse Flex and battery pack

    Sell and replace you existing amplifier so you have two sets of speaker outputs.

  • Jordan

    Thanks for the response.

    The Pulse speakers are not meant for the outside, so I'd have to bring them inside - even though they'd be pretty well protected under the balcony above my patio - right?

    Also, what if I got the Powernode?  If I understand correctly, that would be able to connect to my Vault from anywhere in the house via wi-fi and then drive any passive speakers I hook up outside.  Do I have that right?


  • Seppi Evans

    Correct on both, Pulse is portable and best not left out and the Powernode can (along with any Bluesound device) access the music stored in your Vault no matter if they are wired or using WiFi.

    Powernode can then drive outdoor speakers, there are a few makes / models designed specifically for outdoor use.

  • Sam R.

    You can connect the POWERNODE up on WiFi and it will sync your VAULT's library, playlists, and logged in music services once setup completes (assuming the VAULT and POWERNODE are on the same network ofc)

  • Jordan

    Great.  Thanks again.

    Now I have some decisions to make!

  • Jordan

    Do I need Ethernet to the Powernode?  Or can I use my wi-fi to connect it to my Vault2?

  • Jordan

    OK, one last question (I think)...

    Can I use the original Powernode N150 with my Vault 2?  Will that version of Powernode connect to the Vault 2 via Wi-Fi?

    Thanks again.

  • Seppi Evans

    Any Bluesound product old or new will work with the Vault.


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