Pulse Flex 2i not working with battery




  • Official comment
    Seppi Evans

    Eneloops… I have literally thrown all mine away (recycled responsibly) in the past two months as they fail to fully charge, don’t know what happened but when they were Panasonic they were great.

    You say you went back to factory setting but did you perform an actual factory reset?

    Probably best you submit a support request, with the Flex in question selected in the BluOS app and then select Help…send support request.

  • Bruno

    Thanks for replying, I checked with eneloops after testing with the original AA batteries and the same behaviour, so far this eneloops I have works pretty good and charge until full, not only in the Flex but also in the devices I use them

    Sorry, I meant factory reset, I performed this https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/articles/200272046-How-do-I-perform-a-factory-reset-on-my-Bluesound-Player-

    Thanks I will send the support request

  • Greg Doyle

    Did you ever get an answer with support request?  I bought battery packs in April and I have never been able to get them to work.  I sent them back and got a replacement set.  The new ones wouldn't work. Then I purchased replacement NiMH batteries and they don't work either with the new batteries. And I have even tried the factory reset.

  • Bruno

    I got the reply from the support to send the speaker to fix it, I didn't send it yet but I assume I will have to pay for that fix

  • Gregory Emery

    I have a very similar issue. My battery pack was bought 2 years ago. When it is in (with our without the Flex plugged), the device briefly turns on (red light) and then off. If I remove the battery pack it works as a charm.

    I tried: to put other batteries inside (also eneloop) or to charge the batteries with an external charger. In both case, it worked for an hour, but after switching off, I could not make it work again. It seems that the batteries discharged themselves. Also trying to charge them afterwards from the battery pack did not seem to work. 

    Overall this is quite frustrating. The battery pack is not cheap, and I was never thrilled by its performance (4h of playing is not spectacular !). I like my other Blusound products (Node and Flex), but would never recommand anyone buying this one.

  • Gregory Emery

    By the way, my probably started 3 months ago or maybe a bit more. Could it be that a firmware update caused it ? I don't want to spend hours testing things, I feel that I have spent already enough time and money in this problem... 


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