No sound from TV to Bluesound - Optical Input
I have an Bluesound Powernode2 that works perfectly fine when streaming music through Spotify. Today I bought an optical cable to connect my TV to the Powernode2.
But I can't get it to work. I can see the "Optical Input" in the navigator - when clicking this it just show an empty screen while the time just start counting. It's like something is playing but there is no sound coming out.
My TV is a Samsung SMART TV and we're streaming live TV from an app through Apple TV. In the sound settings we have set it to use PCM instead of Dolby. When the TV is playing (with sound) and then turning to the "Optical Input" in the Bluesound iPhone app nothing happens. The sound is still coming through the TV soundsystem and not though the Bluesound to our HIFI. Can you please help me?
Official comment
"You may have to set an option on the TV to send the sound to the optical output rather than the built-in speakers. I have to on my Sony TV."
Thanks Nicolas - you beat me to the punch...
Done: I just sent the support request via the app.
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Just an additional information.
When I stream some music to the Bluesound and it perfectly send it to the HIFI. When turning on the Television it stops, so it must “feel” the new Optical Input from the TV but it won’t play the sound from the TV. The sound just coming from the TV speaker…
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You may have to set an option on the TV to send the sound to the optical output rather than the built-in speakers. I have to on my Sony TV.
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I don't have that option :/
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Hi Alexander
Review your Samsung TV Documentation to connect a SOUNDBAR. You will not be able to select Bluesound from the available options (as we are working with SAMSUNG to add our specs) but you can select a Phillips Soundbar and it will work.
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I have a brand new Samsung QLED, I connect the optical out to the optical in of the PowerNode 2i.
Initially the TV says it can't detect the speakers, then it appears to connect (meaning it doesn't give an error).
The node shows the input option in the left nav, when I select it, I just get the "Optical Audio 1" screen, and a spinny. It never stops spinning and I don't get any sounds.
What gives?
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Hi Yvon
Can we please see the log file by selecting Help, Send Support Request in the App?
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I have a Samsung Q7 65 inch, I have connected it to my Bluesound via the optical, to use select optical on the TV, but use the volume on a mobile or tablet after the optical device has been set up on a phone.. This works best for me.
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I have a Samsung Tv Model no QE65Q7FNA with the one box system, I also have a Samsung sound bar HW-K850 connected with the Hdmi cable on the Arc ports. I also have a Blue sound Power Node 2I with B & W S2 speakers. I wanted to connect the Blue sound to the Tv with optical cable, after trying for 4 hours messing about with different settings and connections I discovered for some reason the the Optical input one did not work, but the optical port 2 on the Blue sound did. This was despite any of the Tv settings ie Bitstream or Pcm, Hdim sound bar on or of the Optical output from the Tv into the Blue sound works just fine on optical 2 for some reason. When it was connected to the working port the live connection popped up with in the Blue sound App on my phone and was clear to see. For some reason there seams to be a difference with the two ports regarding the input signal. Im all sorted now but I hope this might help peoples who might be having the similar sort of problem, the optical cable was live at all times from my Tv during my sorting out period.
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