Powernode N330 subwoofer noise



  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jordy

    I have escalated your issue to our Support Crew for a closer look. They will be in touch via e-mail.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Jordy

    Our Support Crew responded on Nov 30th at 2:10pm ET asking for some specific details. Please check your junk or spam filter. If you did not receive it, please e-mail support@bluesound.com with the subject #293407.


  • Jordy

    Problems have been solved. There was an issue with the subwoofer out connector on the powernode, got a replacement powernode and now everything works as expected.

  • Laurens

    Update: I sent the Powernode for repair. It was still in warranty. They fixed it by replacing a couple of internal components (it seems). Now the popping subwoofer noise is also gone when switching sources or bitrates.

    I am happy with my refurbished powernode ;-)

  • Jordy

    Update : It happens when you have 1 source playing, and you hear the "Pop" sound, that it sounds like it switching to another source, and then the noise starts. But it never changes from source.
    I have switched off all auto sense, bluetooth etc, and still its happening and it is really annoying.

  • Jordy

    Update 2: It seems to happen a lot when listening to the radio via the bluesound app.
    Also had occasions when spotify is playing and i go to the radio station, it seems like the powernode still thinks spotify is playing. When i pause spotify in the app first before switching to radio, it seems gone.

  • Jordy

    I have not heard anything from support yet. And its starting to annoy me a bit, it seems theres a ground loop going on, at least thats what the humming noise out of the subwoofer can mean, but neither the sub or the amp have a grounding plug (i ordered a better subwoofer cable with ground wire, but i cannot connect this wire..).
    But from what i read is that the amp should not produce groundloops hence not implementing a ground plug.

    When i disconnect the subwoofer cable from amp, the noise is immediately gone.
    I tried putting in different power outlets, disconnected coax from wall, all without effect.

    So what is the current status? What can we do and what can i expect? To say the least i expected a bit more from a 900 euro amp.

  • Jordy

    Hi Tony,

    Was indeed in my spambox, sorry for that.

  • Laurens

    Hello, I have exactly the same setup. Also with a B&W ASW610. 

    The Powernode (n330) has been working fine without subwoofer connected (still does). But the subwoofer output continuously creates a noise. It doesn't matter which setting or input is used. Another Denon amp with the same connection doesn't create any noise. I'll plan to hook up a oscilloscoop to see what kind of noise.

    I don't know if it's a soldering issue (I have soldering skills) and I don't want to void the warrenty of this one year old device.

  • Chris B

    Hi Tony W,

    Now 'Monitoring' this thread as advised.  Capacitors discharging should be when the amp is powering off rather than when powering on and changing sources?

    Jordy's post was 5 months ago and they have had the issue resolved with a replacement.  Having paid £900 for an amp I would expect better durability than 20 months and a more proactive response than effectively 'wait and see what happens'. It's very loud, extremely annoying and ruining the listening experience.

    Having had NAD equipment since 1996 I'm disappointed with this situation...

  • Chris B

    That’s great you got it resolved Laurens; shame it took so long.

    I’ve got my situation resolved too. I bought a Lyngdorf TDAI-1120 with a 5 year warranty. The Powernode is going back for repair and I’ll be selling it once it’s sorted.

    No more NAD/Bluesound for me, which is sad given I’ve owned NAD gear for 27 years :-(

  • Jordy

    So this issue popped up again, it worked fine for a year and then it all started again.
    Seeing this topic https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/18832317878423-Powernode-N330-subwoofer-rumbling-when-turned-on it's a global problem with this amp.


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