Amazon Music



19 Kommentare

  • Rays Jazz

    This is still not working, this is the third day now.

    It worked at first but then I went into a different service, then back into Amazon.

    Nothing works if I search, therefore I can't select any music.

    Any suggestions to fix this?

  • Rays Jazz

    Everything else works, it is just the Amazon search function, I don't see what the router has to do with it. I will try it later.

  • Rays Jazz

    Tried the router and Bluesound Node switch off. Did not make any difference.

  • Rays Jazz

    Thanks, I deleted the App and then added it again. It did work a few times but is now not responding again. I will have to open a ticket.

  • Rays Jazz

    Powering off the iPad, worked for one album, then back to no response.

    Strange as My Music, which is just below Amazon Music, works everytime.

  • Rays Jazz

    I don't really understand, I only have one network. Apparently that will delete all my sign ons and passwords?

    This problem started straight after the upgrade to 4.


  • Rays Jazz

    Ok, thanks, I will try that.

  • Rays Jazz

    The problem is worse now, music played for about 20 seconds and the player has gone.

  • Rays Jazz

    I did not make any changes.

    I just reset the network.

  • Rays Jazz

    Why does every other service work apart from Amazon search? Amazon My Music works everytime. So fed up with this.

  • Rays Jazz

    This network reset has mucked things up. How do I get my player back now?

    The account works, it is just the search on .Bluos that often does not work.

  • Rays Jazz

    That could be weeks and still more weeks to sort out.

    Funny both problems have been after BluOs upgrades, one last year and now recently.

  • Ernest787

    I'm having the same or similar issue.

    If I click on Amazon music within the android app on my phone it will load but I cannot search for music. It keeps saying "item not found" regardless of what artist I try to search for.

    If I click on one of the suggested albums, Playlist, radio stations, etc then the music plays.

    I tried to unlink my Amazon account and relink but that did not help so I'm not sure what the issue is

  • Rays Jazz

    Yes it is a weird issue. Others are having problems on other services, missing albums etc.

    I don't do playlists. Hardly anything in My Music. I can play new or recommended but most is not to my taste. Very frustrating.

    Another similar issue with Amazon:

  • Rays Jazz

    I got a reply from Support, they said the issue has been fixed in 4.2.1.

    Strange as it only started when I upgraded to 4.

    I'm on 4.2.6 now.


  • Ernest787

    I'm on 4.2.6 as well and still get the "item not found" when trying to search any artist

    So not sure if this is a different issue or it's still broken

  • Rays Jazz

    I don't know, until support come back. I did wonder what the fix was and if my issue was it.

    Clearly there are still issues with Amazon.

  • Rays Jazz

    Support don't know what the problem is. They suggested I try an iPhone, which l don't have.

    They did not answer about the 4.2.1 Amazon fix.

    The search worked once tonight but after the first piece of music, it does not work anymore.

    I may have found a fix, I managed to go back to 3 interface, so far that works.


  • Rays Jazz

    My problem with Amazon search, seems to have been fixed, by using the 3 interface. Not had one problem now in 2 evenings.

    On 4 had problems all the time.


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