Library search artist AND song still not working?



4 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Bodi

    This is not a software bug in 4.x. Searching multiple key fields has never been available in local library searches predating BluOS 3.x or even 2.x.

    I have however passed your feedback to our Product Development Team...

  • Bodi

    Thanks Tony. What's the reason for this? Computers can do a lot these days.

  • Andrew Dixon

    This is the exact feature I've been asking for on multiple occasions over the last couple of years. I've never seen any hint of a reply to suggest it's being worked on.

    This was standard search functionality in iTunes when I first started using it in 2005, it's hardly ground breaking technically. But it IS absolutely essential.

  • Bodi

    "Computer says no". It will never happen.


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