bluetooth settings



15 Kommentare

  • Offizieller Kommentar
    Bjørn Ulvik

    Settings - Player - Customize sources - Bluetooth
    Manual, Automatic, Guest or Disabled......your choice

  • Hans van den Broek

    I know that, but is there an option in combination with a password ?

  • Bjørn Ulvik

    No option to set a password, so disabling or manual is your choice.

  • Hans van den Broek

    thans for your fast answer !

  • Stefan Mehre


    I asked for that several times. Exactly that's the reason why I asked for a minimum onetime pairing feature for BT connections. Of course you can set it up as manual and prevent it from unwanted playback, but with that it gets also more uncomfortable for the legal user.

    So please, add a onetime pairing for BT devices to the players. This would make BT much more useable for users in houses with more people living beside each other. Of course in bigger individual houses with enough distance to the neighbours this isn't ab big deal, but there are many areas where it is...

  • Sam R.

    Stefan -- I will pass this forward for our developers for future consideration. 

    Sam R.

  • Stewart Mooring

    This has been a known problem for years. Bluesound obviously has no intention to correct it.

  • Lewis

    Ha same thing happened to me, one of my friendly neighbours thought it was funny and connected via bluetooth and decided to cast porn ! Terrible security flaw. Support told me to change the setting to Manual, but this makes no difference if the source is already set as Bluetooth, they can still connect to it.

    They cannot connect if I switch the source to something else after listening via bluetooth, they will need to be on my network to do that. 

    Such a pain ! 

  • Stefan Mehre

    Like mentioned before I see this really as a big problem for many users.

    At the moment I advice all our customers to switch off BT, but of course there are customers were BT is a main way to use the BluOS system.


    For me, I don‘t use BT at all, but there are many users who want to !!!

  • Mervyn Augustine


    I am recently experiencing the same issue. Bluetooth input disabled, but still getting interrupted by a neighbour. Any other work-around? 


  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hey Mervyn,

    Please send us a support ticket using our BluOS app, this way our app will automatically attach a log file from your Bluesound player that our support team can easily analyze to further troubleshoot the issue.

  • Mervyn Augustine

    Thanks Mark. 

  • Michael Anderson

    Wow this is killing me! Just moved from a house to an apartment and crazy young neighbors are playing on MY system at 120 db at midnight! Only solution seems to be to completely disable Bluetooth, but then my own guests cannot use it ! I’ve read all the threads - is there STILL no way to secure my system from the neighbors?!

  • R. Sterenborg

    So far BS has been ignorant to this, so I'd be (pleasantly!) surprised if they'd finally fixed this by adding BT PIN support. One can always ask, but I'd not get your hopes up. I think it will be, yet again, declined.

  • Jerzy

    From my personal perspective DEACTIVATING Bluetooth from player level (disabling Bluetooth source) did not help.

    I had to disable it additionaly in the app.

    Go Home -> Press 'Mode symbol' in the upper right corner.

    Choose 'Player' tab -> 'Customize sources' -> 'Bluetooth' and then 'Disabled' or any other functionality which fits your needs.


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