Bluesound node sub output level barely audible




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi William

    Check your SUB-WOOFER cables then review the documentation of the SUB to ensure it is set properly with regards to gain and phase. We have noticed the sub-woofers with high impedance will not wake up from stand by so really require adjustments according to their documentation.

  • Anders

    I have the same problem with my Sub Velodyne mini. It is very “morning tired” and does not wake up with ease. Songs with heavy base makes the job. I also have to turn up the volume on the sub much higher than I need to do if I use it combined with my NAD C 658. One other question. Does it make any difference if I turn the sub button on on my blue sound app?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Enabling the SUB on your Audio Settings will enable the crossover and not send low-frequency signals (default is 80hz depending on your crossover setting) to the speakers allowing you to drive them harder. The sub not engaging again still speaks to my original official comment. Check your sub's settings and documentation.


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