BlueSound NODE taking place of Macbook USB out
Trying a new version BlueSound NODE. As the new version has USB digital out much like a Macbook, I put the NODE in my signal chain going out through a Pranawire Proton USB cable to a DCS Scarlatti D/D converter and then to an Abbingdon tube dac.
So far, so good. The sound quality appears equal, plus now I can command the NODE wirelessly from the Macbook or an Iphone. With this method, I'm not limited to Bluetooth or Airplay resolution constraints.
Any comments if any adjustments should be made or those who have also had a Bluesound NODE replace a laptop outputting USB. BTW. I'm using Qobuz, plus now I can add all the Bluesound internet radio options.
Set up was a breeze. I'm pleased so far. I welcome your suggestions and comments.
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