


  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Thank you for your patience and understanding. In the Music Services menu of the Navigation Drawer, please log out of Amazon. Then select Help, Diagnostics and reboot your BluOS Player. Once rebooted log back into Amazon.

    If problems persist, please contact Amazon as we have heard reports of service disruptions affecting consumers in the western half of the US and Canada. Amazon is investigating the issue at their end.


  • Keith

    Something weird happened tonight....I was listening through my NODE and I got that Amazon notice again and I clicked "No" on the box,but never logged out and went to listen to Radio Paradise for about 15 minutes and came back to Amazon and I never got that message pop up  for the rest of the night...what happened?!....That notice seemed to disappear all on it's own...so what happened?

    Normally I would get that Amazon notice pop up every few days.Thanks,Keith

  • Keith

    Last night I had that dreaded Amazon notice come up 3 times within my 2-1/2 hour listening session and had to do a log out of Amazon,reboot NODE and then log back in to Amazon...a real PITA!! Keith

  • Keith

    Two days ago I updated my controller app for my NODE (N130) to the newer 3.18.1 and luckily,I have not had the notice come up sincel,so hopefully it's fixed.Thanks,Keith

  • Kraig

    I have also been getting the 'missing Amazon information' for a month or so (at least 2 updates ago).  I am on: iOS App: 3.18.1, BlueOS: 3.18.7 on my Node 2i.  I have removed and re-added my Amazon credentials about 8 times now...but doesn't seem to matter.  The error pops-up randomly and sometimes just keeps working...other times no go.

  • Keith

    Yeah...that's the same notice I was getting sometimes 3 times in a listening session, for about a week.i would log out of AMZ,then re-boot NODE,then log back in to AMZ and it would be good for 15 minutes,then come back,but there seems to be no more notices( at least for 3 days)  after I did the most recent controller app(3.18.1) for Windows controller.

    I wouldn't mind too much if and when the notice came up,to just click on "NO" and it would go away,but now if you click on "NO",music cuts off?!

    Hopefully it stays away,but not sure if the newer update worked,or is AMZ working on something?...I don't know,but I hope it stays away(notice)!Thanks,Keith

  • Kraig

    I worked with Amazon last night.  They had me logout of the BluOS app, uninstall it, reinstall it.  For 2 hours of listening afterwards, I was good.  But the error pops up randomly.  So, I will monitor during the coming week and see if it worked or not.  I will report back in about a week if all is good...sooner if not O.o  Regards, Kraig

  • Keith

    Still getting that notice,happened 3 times within an hour.!! Keith

  • Keith

    I never got that dreaded Amazon notice at all after 3 hours of listening last night(June6),but I was getting frequent lagging and dropouts,although my signal strength was in the green (Good)...why was it still acting up even with a good wireless signal?.Thanks,Keith

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    If problems persist, please contact Amazon as we have heard reports of service disruptions affecting consumers in the western half of the US and Canada. Amazon is investigating the issue at their end.

  • Keith

    I contacted AMZ in Canada on June 11 and they have never heard of this notice that keeps coming up,which I thought was strange,(them not knowing about the notice).

    Should I be logged in at all times to AMZ Music when I am listening through my NODE(N130)?

    I am not logged into AMZ through their app,but somehow when going through the NODE on my downstairs system,that seems to have me logged in going through the Bluos app,does that sound right??

    Just to try something,I logged into AMZ Music last night (June11) and I got the notice come right up,but I still don't know what information is missing...I changed my password,but that didn't help much?! Thanks,Keith


  • Keith

    I just did a Google search and apparently there are lots of other people who have different brands of streamers,but are running Amazon Music and they have this notice come up about updating your account....why?!

    I see one person in Brazil is getting this notice,so it's going 'round.Keith

  • Keith

    I have not had that notice come up at all for about 6 days of listening,maybe 3 hours per day,so hopefully it stays away! Thanks,Keith

  • Mark T.
    Sr. Support Crew Member

    Hi Keith,

    That is good to know that Amazon already fixed things up in their servers.


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