node 2i cannot connect to streaming



  • Vpavela

    Good afternoon. I have a big problem. Since yesterday I can 't log into TIDAL on bluesound n330 . everything works well, I made all the recommendations I found on the forum here. it doesn't help. tidal support said that my account is fine. The internet is working fine, the problem is that I can't log in to the tide on bluesound n330. Yesterday, for the whole day and a huge number of attempts, I managed to log in to the tide, but after a minute they threw me out again and still won't let me log in. I wrote to bluesound technical support from the bluos app. please help me.

  • Artur

    Vpavela, I am afraid I am not able to help you. 

    Regarding my problem described above - this is definitely with some router / AP settings. I have just created a hot-spot from my mobile phone and connected node-2i with this hotspot. Everything works perfect. But this is not a good solution for long term. 

    Do you have any idea what I should change in the router settings to make node-2i connect the internet via my ethernet?

  • Miguel Leblanc1

    I have the same issues. I can no longer access tidal, Radio paradise. I tried to see if there is an upgrade available and it is not allowing me to do that. Did several reboot, disconnecting power etc. Diagnostic say my wifi is excellent. Will a factory reset solve the issue ? If yes, how do you do one? I tried it a couple of times and the red light does not show up after 30-60 seconds, it is a solid blue dot. Thank you, Miguel 


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