Noise from Powernode N330 to speakers




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    I'd re-trim the speaker cables. If problems persist after that, Help, Send Support Request in the App so we may take a closer look.

  • PeterSweden

    What happened? Did you delete my answer that I have high quality terminated cables? And that multiple users experience the same problem.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager


    Not sure what happened there... that being said... 

     If problems persist after that, Help, Send Support Request in the App so we may take a closer look.


  • PeterSweden

    As I wrote. I have factory terminated speaker cables from Chord. Same cables that I used with my Powernode2. On top of that - many many users resport the same problem. Regardelss of settings and other hardware. Yes - I have reported it to you.

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Great - you are in good hands with our Support Crew


    I have the same problem, a small buz from speaker when pouse musik from Spotify, Tidal and TV-HDMIarc. Tryed diffirent speakers - still the same buze/sound. I also have good terminated cabels.

    You ca also say, as soon as you power on the Powernode 330 the buz starts, no mater if you play music or not.

    This is sad....

  • Frank Hardenbol

    same issue here to this day as with a lot of people when searching for 'powernode noise' . never had issues until the first day i started using the powernode, so no doubt it's a powernode issue.

    in my case it's an audible pink noise when pausing music. (mainly from tweeter) using HDMI

    Also several times a day my tv screen turns black unexpected and returns after several seconds sometimes with a loud digital click! (waiting for one of my speakers to get damaged because of this)

    Got myself decent HDMI cables 

    8k HDMI-kabel 2.1 2m - 8K @ 60Hz 4K @ 120Hz with DSC - HDMI 2.1 2.0a 2.0b

    In airplay mode no issues concerning pink noise

    using Klipsch RF7 speakers.

    Still happy with the overall soundstage of the powernode but this problem excists for years already...

  • Richard Turck

    Hey, did we ever find out what was causing this problem since I think I have the same problem with my unit. Thanks


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