Library New Index external command




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    In the BluOS App for Windows ( - select Settings, Music Library, Reindex Music Collection

  • Higli

    I think the question is if there is an API call to re-index the library. I have browsed through the 2019 API docs and found nothing like that. But maybe it's a hidden feature? Would be nice if there was one!

  • Rick Rutgers

    Bedankt voor de reacties tot nu toe.

    Ik ga verder zoeken naar een Windows api of anders een mogelijkheid om vanuit mijn perl bluesound manager applicatie (gebouwd in perl) de Bluesound library te kunnen indexeren. Wanneer ik iets vind zal ik dat zeker delen.

    Groet Rick 

    I will continue to look for a Windows api or otherwise a possibility to index the Bluesound library from my perl bluesound manager application (built in perl). When I find something I'll be sure to share it.

  • Higli

    I'm building a Bluesound player in Excel, if I find something I'll let you know.

  • Rick Rutgers

    Hi Jörg

    Thanks for your message. First, what do I do to manage my Bluesound Node2. I'm working on an application to manage the audio files (and cover image files) in the folder shared with the Bluesound. The file names, metadata tags etc are handled in this application. The result is a sleek and transparent Bluesound library. In addition, there are some other functions in my application such as splitting cue files, repairing metadata headers in mp3 or flac files. The entire application is built in Perl/Tk for the simple reason that I was a software engineer specializing in perl for over 3 decades.

    But, there is one process I can perform until now and that is how to ReIndex-Bluesound-Library without the regular Bluesound apps. Basically I need a command that I can perform from my automation.

    But much more important. I read that you are building a Bluesound player in Excel. To be honest, I have no idea what your ultimate goal is. I am very curious about that, especially about the concept in Excel. If you run into audio file data related problems or questions, don't hesitate to ask. Lately I've been deeply engrossed in this matter and if desired I'd like to share this.

    With kindly regards,

    Rick Rutgers  (Deventer-The Netherlands)

  • Higli

    Hi Rick, the Excel thing is just a fun project to learn handling the API commads.

    But you are right, BluOS is completely lacking any tagging or flac editing commands. I really like to try your app when it's ready.


  • Rick Rutgers

    Hi Jörg,

    you said "to learn handling the API commands". Will you please inform me where i can find information about these API commands. Will be very appreciated. 

    Thanks in avances


  • Rob L.

    I used the API to integrate bluos into my home automation system. I created a .net (c#) libray for this purpose. The source code for this is on github: 

    Unfortunately, the public API is limited. There is no command, as far as i know, available to re-index the library.



  • Rick Rutgers

    Hi Rob, thanks for your post. Impressive, building this .net library, using the Bluesound API. As you mentioned, its really unfortunately because a command for re-index the library is for now the only missing but required issue for my automation.

    But i think there is an option to manage this in a so called 'quick-and-dirty' solution. Keep you (and this forum) informed. 


    Kindly regards, Rick (Deventer - The Netherlands).

  • Higli

    Rick, it is so simple - the API call for re-indexing the library is /Reindex

    Another useful command that's not in the pdf doc is /Add to add an album to the play queue. So it seems we can mostly guess those commands not documented, as they are intuitive.

  • Rick Rutgers

    Hi Jörg, First thanks for your contribution, it will be very appreciated.

    Your post is good news but unfornately just for a part.

    The command indeed performs a re-index process (in a new browser). But…in this browser there is a message “This XML file does not appear to have associated style information. The document structure is shown below.”     <indexing>1</indexing>

    Regarding my requirements for  my application there are two issues:

    • I don’t want the browser opened, at least minimized is allowed..
    • I want a return when the re-index process is finished.

    So, i’m looking if this issues can be fixed. Maybe this has to do with a gap in my XML knowledge.

    With kindly regards, Rick

  • Higli

    I'm running the code from VBA, no physical browser involved:

    Sub DemoReindex()
        Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
        Dim url As String, hReq As Object, xml As String

        url = "http://" & Range("ip") & ":11000/Reindex"
        Set hReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        With hReq
            .Open "GET", url, False
            xml = .ResponseText
            Debug.Print xml
        End With
        Set hReq = Nothing
    End Sub

    Maybe that helps?


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