Tidal Blueos app
AnsweredSo how can you tell if your playing the 24 Bit or 16 bit MQA songĀ
say there are Two of the same albums in the blueos app for tidal they both say MQA how do you know which version of the MQA it is.
In roon it shows you each version
Official comment
Hi Mike
Please see; https://support.bluos.net/hc/en-us/articles/360000058347-Does-BluOS-support-MQA-
What you are seeing is what is referred to at www.mqa.co.uk as MQA Studio (or we refer to as MQA Blue) vs an MQA conversion (MQA Green). The 24 bit version shown above is MQA Studio (meaning, James, Kirk, Lars and the bass player this tour... kidding - signed off on the re-issue).
When this conflict occurs, BluOS only shows MQA Blue.
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