USB vs COAX and DDC usage
1) Has anyone done a comparison between USB and Coax on the new Node? Which do you think sounds better
2) I was thinking of connecting a DDC via USB, but not sure how it could negatively impact quality - see reference below
- 2 days ago
Same as others, when USB is selected, volume level is not fixed and is adjustable via the slider in the app as well as by my iphone volume buttons.
Your USB device is not a DAC it is a DDC and really not recommended... Though the Bluesound N130 does support USB Output for your USB DAC, there is no specific support for a digital to digital convertor. In fact, we do not recommend using a DDC as it will only add to or contribute to the possibility of distortion or jitter in the audio chain.
Just a reminder that your Bluesound N130 uses a Texas Instruments PCM 5242 Burr-Brown DAC, which has been implemented with a differential output design in an endeavour to cancel out as much unwanted noise as possible.
In comparison, the NODE (N130) measures in at -113dB SNR and 0.002% distortion due to this change -- a notable improvement over the NODE 2i's -110dB SNR and 0.005% distortion.
The DAC is not programmable nor does it come with filters to alter the sound. Instead, Bluesound Players are engineered to create a neutral tone intended to be the most accurate reproduction of the recording as intended rather than be set to an individual room or taste. We know that's not for everyone's taste so using the digital COAX, TOSLink or now USB out of the NODE, you can bypass the onboard DAC if you wish to 'improve' on the recording using an external DAC.
1. USB output sounds better than SPDIF on mine. But a lot of this is going to depend on your DAC and the particular implementation and combination of DDC etc.
2. There is a pretty significant bug in the implementation of the USB output on the new Node that makes the volume not actually fixed for a number of DACs (and apparently DDCs). Bluesound support is very defensive of their software updates and usually blames users for any errors in their implementation, and then backtracks once enough people report the problem and they release a fix. It's a weird system, but hopefully there will be an updated patch soon that fixes the issue with certain DACs and maybe DDCs as well.
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Thanks Greg for this answer.
My observations seem to indicate that USB is slightly better and provides more separation. I am currently using a Denafrips Ares II which I think has a pretty good USB implementation.
On the question of DDC, I was planning on getting maybe the Denafrips Iris, but I'm hesitant now after the statement from Bluesound that it could degrade the signal. I'm not really technical enough to understand but have also emailed Denafrips for their comment.
Interestingly I have noticed the that the Node identifies my DAC and firmware version in the app, but as you say the output is no longer fixed like it was before.
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With my Chord Qutest, I still prefer the coax out to bnc with a decent Atlas Hyper rca to bnc cable. My USB cable is a fairly old Wire World one so not really a fair test
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If using a ddc on the USB output of the NODE, if the ddc is capable of "seeing" and therefore doing what it's designed to do... improving/ reducing the jitter (that WOULD be there to some extent) why would it not?
The dac section's performance of the NODE, wouldn't have anything to do with the digital output at the Node's USB?
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I've been frustrated with the same issue regarding the volume control graphic still displaying while outputting via USB. Also frustrated with Bluesound's (Tony W's) response how it's "my dac's fault" because it's a DDC. But aren't they all? I cracked open my DAC and the USB interface board is just a daughter card feeding I2S directly into the SPDIF board, which then goes I2S to the DAC board.
Tony if you're reading this, I'll say it again, the Node is obviously already aware of when USB is being used, as the output is indeed fixed, so ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS DISABLE THE VOLUME GRAPHIC FROM EVEN SHOWING.
I finally found a way to make it appear fixed.. In the Audio Settings, you'll see your USB output chosen. Go back and select Default again, then when you select USB you have to QUICKLY tap the Fixed Output option before it disappears.
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