Where is chromecast
AnsweredFollowed by 2 people
Hi new whit a node. Have many other "smart" speakers. An now a node to my main stereo and must say the sound is great and the interface is snappy. So realy pleased whit the product.
But it would be great to be able to ad my main stereo to my multiroom listening sometimes. An that means chromecast. I know that bluos have there own multiroom but then I need to replace all my speakers, and that is no option. So why is chromecast not supported, when less competent alternative competitors product have this implemented. Is it for chromecast is a competitor to blues own multiroom. Or what is the reason?
Would also be great to use Google home devices to control the stereo sometimes.
Official comment
Hi Jonas - Bluesound does not support Chromecast - though we hope to include a form of it in the future, at this time we have no immediate plans due to a number of limitations. Please see for more details; https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360034972134/comments/4410382038039
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