Connection problem with my "node2"
Below a translation from French by google translation
I listen to my music with a node2 using Qobuz streaming services that I control from my computer running windows 10. The node is connected to the network via ethernet. For a few weeks, when I launched the Bluos application, only the "settings" and "help" menus appeared on the screen. I am obliged to restart the node ("HELP/DIAGNOSTIC/REBOOT"). The full menu finally appears.
But the "qobuz" menu is not active (nor is the "radioparadise" menu for that matter). To listen to my music, I am obliged to go to the "my playlists" menu. Thank you for your help.
Official comment
Please reboot your network router.
Wait 5 minutes, then restart your Bluesound Player. If problems return, please e-mail us at so we can help troubleshoot what is blocking network traffic in your home environment.
Thank you for your help. Every night, I turn off my network router and turn it back on in the morning. Despite this, the problem comes up every time.
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