qobuz connect




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Dillon

    We have had good conversations with Qobuz on this matter but nothing to share at this time.

  • Helmut Olschewski

    I agree with the request and hope that it will be implemented

  • Johan Fredriksson

    I really hope qobuz connect is coming soon… Would be awsome!

  • Markus

    I also would really appreciate if you can implement Qobuz Connect. It's much more convenient too look for music in the Qobuz app or web player than in the BluOS app. Besides, I don't like to save my favourits twice, in Qobuz (also for mobile) and BluOS (for my living room).

    Best regards, Markus

  • Seppi Evans

    Quobuz Connect is just marketing speak for Quobuz supporting Googlecast, Airplay and Bluetooth of which Bluesound support two of those methods.  As yet they don’t have a similar system like Spotify or Tidal.

  • Jurgen Vanmassenhove

    Same question here. I can only use Qobuz connect through the Bluesound app. Please integrate it in the Qobuz app.

  • León Carpay

    Yes please, that would be nice (and not stopping me from buying blue sound stuff).


  • Seppi Evans

    There is still no such comparable “connect” feature in Qobuz like Spotify or Tidal has so Bluesound cannot add something that does not exist unfortunately.

  • Jurgen Vanmassenhove

    I've just cancelled my Qobuz account because of this problem and purchased Tidal, the Tidal connect works fine with the Node in the Tidal app.

  • Christian Framezelle

    Same, unsuscribed and sent them a message. They replied this

    "Qobuz services have long been integrated into the BlueSound application as Hires. Our technique is working on a "Qobuz Connect" function that will be integrated into third-party systems. Bluesound could also be part of this. We don't have a date to announce yet though.
    We are sorry that this is the only thing holding you back.
    Thank you for your interest in our services.
    Thank you very much for your interest in our services

    I don't understand that they downplay the fact that getting my music to play easily on my network and hifi system is the absolute P0, and not "one thing holding me back".
    What good does it do to customers if the catalog and sound quality are great, if we can't access our playlists & albums easily and just stream in one second like spotify or tidal ?
    Instead, if you don't want to compromise on sound quality (bluetooth...way to sacrifice QOBUZ), you'd need to connect either your pc or your smartphone to a dedicated DAC, with a cable, staying close to your hifi system.

    Makes you wonder if their product team is listening to customers/comparing themselves to competition. Complexity sure can't be the issue here.

  • Jurgen Vanmassenhove

    I also don't understand why they say "the only thing holding you back"?
    This "only thing holding you back" is the key point. It means that you simply cannot use the Qobuz app in combination with the Bluesound Node.
    For a long time the only workaround for me was to play Qobuz music within the BluOS app. But the BluOS app is not so user-friendly ánd shuffling within your playlist doesn't work either. 
    The solution for me was to use Tidal instead of Qobuz. Tidal also delivers master quality audio.

  • Twelve Fretter

    Bluesound will not support upnp to accept streams via MConnect which is necessary with Yamaha WXC-50 because Qobuz is not an included service in the Music-cast app for that device. I thought the Bluesound node would be better but it sounds like my workaround is better. I manage playlists in Qobuz and share them across my family accounts as collaboration playlists. If Bluesound doesn’t have shareable control over selection and control like Sonos, I won’t make the change to Bluesound. These companies are making moronic decisions as though people will buy it regardless of which services are supported. The service is the source and determines all rendering decisions. Bluesound also doesn’t support dlna client compliance in their devices which is just lazy.

  • Twelve Fretter

    By the way, the WXC-50 doesn’t support Qobuz control across users like Sonos, but sounds better. I don’t like the connect approach because it’s not shared control of the selected music, it’s individual control that a user takes away from another user. Maybe the collaborative playlists shared to other users will work for Qobuz in Bluesound node?

  • Dan K

    Just checking in to see if there are any updates with the Qobuz Connect app or lack thereof, I figured there might be some reignited efforts especially since Qobuz now offers service in Canada, eh.

  • Seppi Evans

    Hi Dan, Qobuz has still not released a connect function in their App.

    Forgot to say, last I heard it was due in 2024 

  • Dave Schoenmaeckers

    Still no qobuz, ridiculous. Come on man!

  • Peter-Jan Bosch

    Another half year has passed. What about..?

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Peter-Jan

    Qobuz has yet to publish a working SDK or API for their developing Connect end-point model. As a premier Qobuz partner, we will happily begin the development once it is provided.

  • Christian Framezelle

    Hey Tony,

    Thanks for the information. Sad to hear that they are still not getting to grips with this feature. 

    I feel that sending which song to play to the player and after that the bluesound with the account just takes care of sourcing from the Qobuz API shouldn't be overly complex....at this stage, the smartphone/PC is just a glorified remote control.

    There are always more complexity than what seems at hand, but years to develop a feature that all the competition has and prevents users to use their hifi systems from a network player seems unreasonnable. 

    Still not going back to QOBUZ. And with Spotify HD tht could be right around the corner, I likelly never will (despite their great sound quality and editorial content). 

  • Jeff

    Qobuz has no ear for customer service in my opinion and they don’t deserve people’s business. I cancelled because I couldn’t get meaningful support or answers to questions, and they don’t seem to care if they lose customers. I am suffering with YouTube music from a quality perspective, but firing up several chromecast audio devices across the house works great and everything runs on the server with Google Home serving as a remote. The quality seems to be improving on some tracks as we don’t develop listener fatigue like we did with the standard streams from Spotify or Amazon. I use reference monitors so things are pretty naked in terms of sound, bad mixes sound REALLY bad and conversion artifacts are down right painful after a while so the quality from Youtube Music is good enough most of the time as these are not occurring. Really wish Qobuz would bring it together so Bluesound could offer more, but I got tired of waiting and killing my phone battery piping through MConnect as a PnP. Chromecast audio is 24 bit 48khz so not too shabby if the program material is OK.

  • Kent Brannon

    I've had a BlueSound Node for my tube amplifier for several years now, I just switched to Qobuz (from Amazon Music, Tidal, Spotify, Deezer, and Pandora).

    For what it's worth, Qobuz is tightly integrated into the BlueSound Android app. Several other services had a terrible interface on the BlueSound app, but Qobuz feels almost like the native Qobuz app. I'm extremely happy with Qobuz, BlueSound, and the integration of the two.

  • Ronni Therkildsen

    can i play my paid qobuz music through bluesound without a qobuz subscription?

  • Seppi Evans

    Ronni, yes as long as it’s a supported format. The tracks need to either be on a NAS drive or on a USB drive attached to a Bluesound device.

  • Ronni Therkildsen

    so you can't stream through the bluesound app on the iphone if you log in to qobuz that way?

  • Seppi Evans

    Not the downloads, the BluOS app is only a remote control. Anything stored on your phone could be played via Bluetooth or Airplay to a BluOS device but stored on a NAS or USB drive will play back at high quality.

  • Ronni Therkildsen

    It's mind-boggling that you can't stream your purchased music in hi-res from your iPhone, because I can do that with Cambridge's app, so I don't have to have bluesound


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