App won't stop auto-playing the same song




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Chris - here is a full primer of how the Playe Queue works;


  • Chris Horner

    So based on your suggestion, I was able to delete the whole queue. That is a bug help.

    However it still will not just play through a playlist if I I don't specifically hit the "play all" button and then hit "next" a bunch of times to skip all the way to the track I want. I can't just open a playlist and choose track 8 and expect the app to follow it up with track 9, which seems pretty silly. What seems to happen now is that it just stops playing when a song ends, and I have to manually click track 9 and keep repeating this process every time a song ends. Does everyone have this same issue?

  • Em Jo

    Yup. In fact the BluOS Bluesound app (Android, up-to-date) plays the SAME, SINGLE song over and over and over...within its Amazon Music section, when I click on anything: Playlists, Prime Stations, Charts, Recommended, etc. Yup, the same, single song, played on repeat. Clicking on the next arrow also plays that song again.


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