Qobuz Favorites not in Alphabetical Order
AnsweredIs there going to be an app fix to order Qobuz favorites alphabetically?
When I add a favorite the artist is added top of list. There's no sort option and this has become a problem the more favorites I add.
Official comment
Hi William
Thanks for the feedback - you are correct, currently, favourites are added with your most popular or latest selections at the top. There is no methodology to sort these, but I have passed your feedback along to our Product Development Team for future consideration.
I have the same issue with Qobuz. I don't think Qobuz deserves the blame, because Roon supports Qobuz with ordening on album, artist, tracks etc. So I think it's a problem on the Bluesound platform.
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Another year has gone by without resolution. I suppose it's safe to assume this issue will never be "sorted". I'm generally happy with the platform but IMO it's things like this which keep Bluesound from being truly great. Usability is important and Bluesound knows this. Still, it boggles the mind, especially considering how wide spread streaming is (never mind competition in this market continues to advance). I don't care about placing blame, I just want it fixed already. OK, rant over.
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I agree, very frustrating. You can sort albums and artists alphabetically in Tidal, so I can't see why it should be such a problem to fix for Qobuz.
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This issue has been around since Qobuz was added and it's hard to believe it's still a "future consideration". Seriously? Apparently, neither company cares enough to fix this. Unfortunate. Issues such as this keep me from upgrading from my Node 2.
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It sure would be nice to see this fixed. I’m guessing this is an issue with how Qobuz transmits the data. This issue also occurred in Audirvāna and was eventually fixed in an update. Sounds like it’s about breaking the code.
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Come on now, this is still not working. I treat my Qobuz favourites like my physical record collection. I have these in Artist/Alphabetical order. On Android I use another App (USB Audio Player Pro) to access Qobuz and it can order my favourites properly. Why can't you sort this rather basic requirement ?
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Hello Tony,
I agree, this has gone on for too long without and update. The Qobuz artist and albums need to be in alphabetical order to be usable. This issue is in the Mac OS and iOS for me. Audirvana allows choices in their app interface for order that includes alphabetical. This along with other alphebetical tweeks are in order for the level of maturity of the BluOS platform. In iOS the My Favorites headers are alphabetical. In the Mac OS they are random. Time for a refinement refresh in the interfaces.
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still waiting for a solution of this.
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Incredible that this has not been addressed. The Qobuz app on Android and PC works exactly as you would hope and expect, offering sort in alphabetical order by album or artist, but Bluesound cannot rearrange the sort order, even after updating the Qobuz app on Bluesound. I also use Amazon HD and it works perfectly. What's up here?
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This seems to be well reported and somewhat acknowledged. However, is this the best venue for resolution? Does a support ticket need to be created from within the application to elevate the issue. Hard to believe it has not been addressed. If it can’t be it should just be shared with us so we can reset our expectation for a fix.
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A point I wanted to make, with the inevitable finger-pointing of "it's them, not us" is that the Qobuz apps, in and of themselves, work. It seems the integration on the Bluesound side is lacking and needs to be ameliorated. Get cracking, Bluesound!
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I just subscribed to Qobuz and, yup... Still not fixed. Deal breaker for me. If only the Qobuz app had a Qobuz Connect feature like Spotify and Tidal have. It would be so much simpler.
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