NODE display always on




  • Official comment
    Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Dave

    If the Player is on and can play music, but the LED is out, check your LED settings in the BluOS App under Settings, Player. Check the brightness and see if Proximity is on or off.

    If it is on the network, but the LED is simply not working, we would like to see the system event log by selecting Help, Send Support Request in the App. If it is not on the network and not powering up at all,, please e-mail us at so we can get some more details.

    Either way, our Support Crew will be happy to troubleshoot further.

  • David Morris

    Finally, with the new firmware I installed last night the problem is resolved.

  • Marcel

    might be related ....

    hope they really fix this hardware-bug "by software" finally

    still : they ship a product with obvious problems, really sad ... 

  • Andrea Crema

    I'm amazed that this hasn't been fixed after months since release.

    I was told that there would be a firmware fix.......... Radio Silence

    For a new product there should be work around the clock. Especially for a premium product.




  • Bru_T

    FWIW - I had the same issue out of the box.  It's been a while so I don't recall exactly how it got corrected, but I either re-booted the player or unplugged it for a while, the display & proximity sensor started working.  

  • Dave Deckert

    I have the opposite problem with current firmware; the top sensor (Powernode) is dead.

  • Dave Deckert

    It plays music from streams and from the NAS on my LAN just fine.

    If by "LED" you mean a front LED, I don't have a front LED. Should I? There appears to be an internal LED where its light output leaks out of the bottom of the case. But yeah that works and can change colors but the Dim and Off functions did nothing until I rebooted it. There was no Off choice for the LED until I rebooted it.

    If by "LED" you mean the top controls, those never worked/lit up. The Proximity control still does nothing.

    Sent in that support request, and also I rebooted it once via the selection within the app squirreled away in Help/Diagnostics.I also once cycled it by yanking the power cord and letting it sit for a minute.

    Thanks for the help; I appreciate it.

  • Dave Deckert

    I suppose I'll need to return it, as the the only user configuration opportunity would possibly be a firmware reset, except there's no hardware provision for that on this model.

  • Dave Deckert

    Eric W., BluOS Support Crew Analyst responded by my support ticket but was not alerted to this thread, and so he wasn't made aware that what he was about to suggest (a factory reset) is not possible.

    Left hand, meet right hand.

  • Dave Deckert

    Hi Seppi, I realize you're just trying to somehow help.

  • Dave Deckert

    My mistake Seppi, I could have been more clear. For "this model" I meant my model, not all Powernodes.

    To wit: Step 4 cannot be performed on a unit with a non-functioning top display, as I have mentioned more than once.

  • Dave Deckert

    10 seconds, 10 minutes, all day ... doesn't matter. And of course, it was unplugged for several days in transit to me. I never saw the top light up. While playing music I tried to adjust volume and play/pause by tapping and poking all over. No dice.

    The functionality of the "buttons" is directly tied to whether or not they appear. :)

    The fact that a firmware reset is made dependent on a software function is "curious." I've never actually encountered such a design before.


  • Manuel

    Good morning, I have the same problem, if I connect my Rotel amplifier to the RCA outputs, the lights turn on and off continuously. I have tried with rotel amplifier, pioneer and active speakers with the same result, if I disconnect rca cables everything works perfectly. I have tried with 2 bluesound node 130 units with the same result.
    I have the latest firmware 3.20.25 to see if there is someone who can help.


  • boldjack

    same issue here, I tried to unplug everything except power cord and is randomly turning on and off, I have contacted bluesound support, they are aware of the issue, some vague promises there might be a firmware fix in the future but nothing specific. Now I have dilemma whether to return it under warranty or this is widespread issue affecting each node and get used to it. 

  • Dave Deckert

    The display always-being-on is not a design characteristic nor is it part of the firmware. If it were, it would affect all units. Return it if you can and get another copy.

  • Henrik Andersson

    The top panel LED randomly switches on/off seems to be resolved in BluOS 3.20.52 that was released last week. At least on my unit (Node N130). Since the release notes only mention new features and general improvements it would be nice if Bluesound staff could confirm that it is actually fixed (permanently I hope).

  • boldjack

    I can confirm, it seems at a first look it is working indeed after the firmware update. Hope it will hold that way.  

  • Tony W.
    Product Support Manager

    Hi Henrik

    Minor annoyances and glitches are usually in the release notes as 'other misc. bug fixes' or 'general improvements'. 

  • Stefan I.

    Hi, is there a fix for the N130? I have the same issue, the top panel is always on. No matter what I do, it keeps light up. It worked fine a couple of weeks. The player itself works flawless.


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