Amazon HD on Bluos App or Airplay2




  • Official comment
    Sam R.

    Hello Mark, 

    When using Airplay to stream Amazon Music to your NODE, the sample rate will be limited to what the Airplay 2 infrastructure sets the ceiling at (doesn't appear to be officially document; some say 44.1 but some claim it can go up to 96).

    Amazon HD from the BluOS app will play at whichever the originally provided quality of the Amazon HD stream as provided by their servers (ideally this would be 96 or 192, but of course it is different for each song). 

    The short answer would be that you can expect the best quality available when streaming Amazon HD from the BluOS app -- though do keep in mind that in some cases this would still be equal to Airplay. Choose whichever ends up sounding better to you. 

    Sam R. 

  • Mark Brodzinski

    Thank you Sam. Much appreciated!

  • John Trimmer

    Mark - How did you get Amazon HE to play through the Node 2I as I can't get it to work.  Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks, John


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