Playlist functions and information on bit depth and sample rates on tracks.
I am using a brand new Node2i as a source only, connected over a Audioquest Carbon coaxial cable from coax out to my Hegel H390 digital coax input.
- I have some questions regarding sample rates and bit depth not being displayed in the app!? (to see the rate playing I have to go to the amp display)
There is only the icon showing CD or the MQA symbol, nothing else. Like this.
I would like to see it all on every track in my playlists. There are no technical information available by pressing the 3dots next to the tracks. And I can't find any technical information anywhere.
There was a link to add this feature by a context meny like below? My controller does not have this?
- In the BluOS, when I open the Tidal playlists the playlists are always showing the oldest tracks first, I want them to be displayed like in the Tidal app, newest added tracks first. How do I invert the playlist? There are no buttons for that anywhere? As is now I have to scroll through 600songs to get to the bottom of the list...
- When going into Tidal from the first menu you can open Tidal Rising or Masters like below picture. And when opening one of them like the picture in the bottom, you can start playing. All fine, but if I want to skip the song to the next in the open list using the skip song arrows it doesn't skip to the next song in the open list but instead starts playing the first song from one of my own playlists like the Test Speaker list above? Why can't I skip to the next song in the open playlist? Best Regards:Kristoffer
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HI Kristoffer
Here is what the icons symbolise;
If you are listening to MQA - you are hearing the original master and the utmost bit-depth available from the record label.
Hmm okey.. Thanks.. I know what the symbols mean.. But there are many different bit depths and sample rates on MQA.
- But I want the track sample rate info in the screen on each song or at least on the track now playing visible? Is this possible? (MQA- 24Bit 96kHz) for example...
- How do I invert the Tidal playlists in BluOS to show the newest tracks added at the top? Now I need to scroll down 600 songs to get to the newest track? (in Tidal playlists the newest track is always on top)
- Why is it not possible to skip to the next song in the open playlist when listening in the Tidal Rising folder for instance? When pressing the next arrow, it only starts playing another track in one of my own saved playlists or from the queue?
- Br:Kristoffer
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Is anything from the above possible? At least the inverting of playlists.
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Search through this forum and the other one and you'll find the track information has been requested on numerous occasions over a period of years. Bluesound have repeatedly declined to supply it. My recollection is that they believe it would clutter up the interface and that it is available in the 'technical info' tab for those who really want to know.
Your other useability enhancement points are good ones. While good gains seem to have been made on Bluesound products "background software" in the last 18 months or so, the BluOS app really needs a thorough update.
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Hi, Thanks Stelvio!
This is kind of a deal breaker for me. I just bought and added the Node2i to my hi-end 2 channel system to get a good streamer and interface and of course I thought it would provide me the track rate information so I don't have to stand up and walk over to the amp to see whats playing in what quality. I mean this must be something of a basic-basic music streamer functionality.. On my BluOS there are no technical info tab, there are the information tab when pressing the three dots, but that only opens information about the artist playing on last FM. This won't do, I might have to look at someting different then..
And then there is the playlists thing, I mean come on.....
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I checked mine and I have the technical info option when playing from my Library, but not from Tidal. Tidal does show an icon but not actual bitrate and suchlike. If you're playing from a library and it doesn't show then something may be wrong.
If not seeing that info from Tidal is a 'deal breaker' then you're probably best off taking it back and searching for something else. I've been using it for 3 years now and changes to BluOS functionality have been pretty minor in that time. If it doesn't do what you want it to do NOW, then return it and go elsewhere. IMHO that goes for any product by the way. Waiting for anything to be changed/fixed by some future update is a fools errand on any product these days. If it doesn't do it out of the box, then assume it never will and be pleasantly surprised if it does.
But Bluesound are actually considerably better than most companies in terms of supporting older products. Their earliest products are still supported and usually get the same upgrades as everything else unless there's a hardware reason they can't (ie apple airplay). Many companies would have for example held back the update which delivered playback of MQA on earlier machinery, preferring you to have to buy a newer unit if you wanted that new feature. Bluesound didn't - that significant new feature was rolled out for free to their earliest products.
Swings and roundabouts...
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Ok thanks, that explains it then. I do not have any local librarys or locally stored music. I only use Tidal playlists. Need to think this over...
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HI Kristoffer
In TIDAL you will receive CD or MQA quality.
MQA Quality is the original master recording - for the most part, that is 24/192. If it is not 24/192, then the original digital recording likely occurred in the mid-80s to late-90s when 24/192 recordings were not yet developed therefore there is no 24/192 recording available that was not upsampled. Analogue Masters are being digitized as 24/192.0
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