Powernode 2iHDMI unreliable HDMI connection
AnsweredI have a Powernode 2iHDMI connected to a Philips TV via HDMI. Every morning I have to remove and replace the HDMI connecter in the back of the Powernode to get the HDMI sound to work. This is getting rather frustrating and not part of the spec of the Powernode that I remember reading before buying it!
Does anyone, including Bluesound, have any suggestion as to how to solve this problem? I have sent in a diagnostic log, but no reply as yet.
Hi Dave,
the problem is there is firmware and software on both sides and the big question is, which side should handle it different. For Philipps the last Firmware seems from 2018 and I am pretty shure there will be no more. Such issues are always the ping pong play > we should be fine, did you check the other device :)
HDMI seems to be 1.4 and there is one ARC port. You seem to use this one otherwise you would never get audio.
I checked the manual, could you check the settings from page 70+, what did you use here? Maybe the autofunction, if selected, doesn‘t work correct and you need to set the ARC output to fixed. Or the other way, maybe the auto settings works.
With HDMI unplugging and replugging often solves issues, this is because the syncing and reinitializing will happen than. With some devices this should be done with devices powered off other devices don‘t care the power state because HDMI hotplugging works.
When you power on the PowerNode will it switch on the TV?
When you power on the TV will it switch on the PowerNode?1 -
I was a afraid Philips would react that way, but pretty shure the others would not be more helpful.
I would recommend the koax digitalaudio to optical digital audio converter. I believe this is the better way. Hopefully you have the PowerNode near the TV so you can use IR to be learned to the PowerNode.
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Hi Dave,
I have just posted an update in my other thread. For me, the factory reset of the TV solved my issue. I haven't witnessed the spinning play button since and all TV audio is routing through the powernode 100% of the time. Auto Sense seems to be working too.
It's a bit of effort to get the TV setup again, but I think it's a worthwhile exercise on an older TV.
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Hi Alex,
I did the factory reset.....the HDMI connected just once, before reverting to previous behaviour!
Unplugging and re-plugging the HDMI connector still fixes the HDMI connection, as does rebooting the Powernode.....but these are clearly not long term fixes.
It seems the HDMI connection between the TV and the Powernode causes something to lock up at one end or the other.
Out of ideas what to do next.....hope Bluesound comes up with some solution!
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Hi Dave,
Did you get a resolution for your HDMI issue?
After about 4-5 days, my problems came back. I've had a spinning play button, and an active play button but no sound, seemingly at random. I wondered if the Powernode was going to sleep after a TV pause and not waking up, but I can't easily test it
I decided to give the optical connection a try, so far so good. I have configured IR remote volume and input selection accordingly.
The HDMI ARC was a selling point for me so it is quite annoying it's not useable, but I'm not sure if it's Powernode, TV, or simply general HDMI ARC unreliability.
Hopefully my TV will blow-up and I can get one with eARC, I gather that's supposed to be more reliable, we'll see.
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Hi Alex, not yet, the saga continues....
I have exactly the same symptoms as you have and am continuing to work with Bluesound to get a solution......my engineering background loves a challenge! I actually have two Powernode 2i HDMIs, one with my brand new Sony OLED Master series TV with HDMI eARC which works fine on HDMI and the other with my older Philips TV in my study that has the HDMI connection problem.
I have just had some communication with a Bluesound support person. Nishchal asked about HDMI cable length and suggested I try an HDMI "Premium Certified" cable made by Monoprice......presumably their cables have been tested and approved by Bluesound. So, I have just ordered a 6ft cable from Monoprice UK to try and see if that makes a difference. Their cables are actually quite cheap, the 6 ft cable was around UK£6 with free shipping, not bad when you can pay hundreds for so-called "premium" HDMI cables!
Will let you know in a couple of days how I get on......
This is the cable I ordered in case you also want to try, Part number 115428. I ordered from their UK online outlet. Not sure where you are, so maybe you need to find a local distributor. Amazon also sells these in the UK, but at a higher price with postage!
More later.....
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Thanks for the info, interested to hear if it makes any difference?
I upgraded my cheapy cable when I started getting issues. I got a 1m Audioquest Pearl, which are meant to be decent, but it didn't help with my arc issues unfortunately.0 -
Hi Alex, still waiting for the new cable to arrive.
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I would search more on the TV side. How old is it and do you know which HDMI version the TV is supporting? Because it‘s working with the SONY I would believe the cause is the Philipps TV.
First you could test the working HDMI cable to SONY TV in combination with the Philipps TV.
Maybe switching the PowerNodes could be another test.
If there is still the same Problem with the Philipps TV at the end, searching at this side should be more promissing. But of course there could be an incompatibility within Phillips HDMI chip/software and the PowerNode chip/software on the other side.
This all one cable with highress video, audio, control and other features thing sounds great in first step, but in many cases this is not handled the same from all manufacturers.
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Hi Stefan,
I am aware of everything you suggest and have done everything you suggest already. I used to work for Sony (broadcast side) and am aware of the evolution of HDMI over the years.
When I turn on the Powernode/TV system and the HDMI arc audio doesn't connect, simply unplugging the HDMI cable from the Powernode or the TV and reconnecting it will make the HDMI audio work. So, it would seem to be a control or signal detection problem.....the HDMI arc digital audio signal path is clearly good. Also, the Philips TV used to work fine for many years with the Philips soundbar I had.
What I don't understand is why it is so difficult to understand the problem? Once understood, if it is a hardware problem, I can understand it might be impossible to resolve. However, if it is a software/firmware problem, then it possibly could be fixed.....if the will was there!
Re switching Powernodes, I originally bought two Powernodes back in August. Both of these exhibited an HDMI arc problem where the audio would drop out for two seconds every few minutes. This happened with my brand new Sony OLED TV and my old Sony and Philips TVs. The dealer eventually exchanged these for two new Powernodes in October. With these replacements, the audio dropout problem disappeared! All these Powernodes had the same firmware version, which implied it was a hardware issue, maybe between production batches??? This issue remains unexplained.
The Philips TV is a model 32PFL5008T/12. Unfortunately Philips don't seem to say, that I can find anyway, which version of HDMI or HDMI-CEC is used in this TV.
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Hi Alex, Stefan,
The 6ft Monoprice cable I ordered at the suggestion of Bluesound support has arrived, but I'm afraid to say it has made no difference whatsoever to the HDMI arc failure to connect problem.
The symptoms are exactly the same, so I guess we can rule out this being a cable related problem.....
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Hi Stefan,
I understand all that you say. I have tried just about every permutation and combination of settings, to no avail.
What is frustrating is that it almost works! If I reboot and turn on everything it will work for maybe three or four TV power-ons. Then, the next time it will fail. When this happens, the Android BluOS app sits with an unresponsive circle spinning around the play triangle. Presumably the Powernode HDMI software has locked up??? Curiously, also when this happens, the Windows 10 app reports "Player in HDMI arc mode, ready to go". It's a head banger!
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Hi Dave
Stefan has been quite helpful here and it does seem like the issue is with your Phillips TV causing CEC issues. Check your Phillips documentation and disable CEC and see if that helps.
A workaround you can do in BluOS is in the POWERNODE, under Settings, Player, Customise Sources, HDMI ARC, please disable Auto-Sense.
Then please see this help centre article to program your IR remote to enable HDMI as a source when you turn on your TV along with programming volume up/down and mute on your POWERNODE; https://support1.bluesound.com/hc/en-us/articles/206809498
This workaround should help but I would recommend you contact Phillips to solve the issue.0 -
Hi Tony,
Many thanks, have tried all your suggestions, which have failed, but will have one last go today. Will drop a line to Philips but not optimistic!
I still want to use the HDMI input of the Powernode as there are of course, only two other Opt/Ana inputs available. The TV has coax digital o/p. So, do you know if one of these will work......coax dig to HDMI inserter? Will the Powernode accept the plain HDMI digital audio stream without any CEC or eARC stuff? It is via Amazon UK, so I can probably return it if it doesn't.
LIGAWO Toslink Coax Cinch to HDMI Audio Embedder: Amazon.co.uk: Electronics
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Hi again Tony,
Before I contact Philips, could you tell me exactly which HDMI version is implemented in the Powernode 2i HDMI?
I have scanned the Bluesound support website but have been unable to see it documented.
Many thanks.
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Hi Tony,
So, contacted Philips anyway. Their reply said "TV out of warranty, please view online help".
Complete waste of time, much as expected.....they don't want to know!
Looks like solution is either the Coax to HDMI embedder, as mentioned above, or, reluctantly, use the optical connection via coax to optical adapter.
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I have similar issues with Sony A1 (Oled 2017 gen ATV2). Sometimes i can see volume bar, sometimes no. Sometimes my TV reboot due to HDMI issue, Bluesound support told my there is no normalization for ARC, every manufacturer implement the code as he can...
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Hi Sylvain,
I have reluctantly had to give up on my quest to find an HDMI Powernode connection solution that works for my older Philips TV.
However, our main TV is the latest Sony KD-48A9 OLED. It's HDMI connection to the Powernode has been working fine.......so far!
It's a pity Bluesound doesn't offer an Optical digital audio to HDMI-ARC adapter, such as the Sonos one. Then at least we could make use of the HDMI input of the Powernode.
Unfortunately, I am told the Sonos product doesn't work with the Powernode HDMI-ARC input :-(((
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