NAS file sharing with Vodafone router
My Node 2i was working just fine accessing music from shared files on my Synology NAS via a sky q router, but this weekend I moved to Vodafone and their latest router and my NAS file shares are no longer accessible. The same file shares remain accessible to my Sonos system and can be seen by my LG TV, blueray player and AV receiver. My Node 2i can still access shared files on a laptop but refuses to talk to my NAS which is where my main music collection is.
I've tried router restarts, factory resets on my Node. I've ensured guest access is open with read priviledges on the music folder. I've tried connecting the Node with ethernet as well as wifi. I've tried downgrading the SMB range on the synology to v1 only (previously it was working from v1 up to v3), and tried various naming combinations in the manual share setup both with and without my NAS username and password, all with no success.
Is there anyone else here that is using a NAS and Vodafone router with success? If so did they have to change anything to make it work?
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