Node 2i, BlueOS 3.10.3, crash after few minutes
My Node2i has become unusable after the latest update. It crashes after playing for a few minutes. I have to unplug the device to be able to access it again. Than it plays for a few minutes and crashes again. Same issue with TuneIn, Tidal, Spotify Connect.
I have also submitted a support request from the device. I hope someone from BlueSound can help me, because this is very annoying.
Bye Jan.
Official comment
Hello Jan,
Please open the BluOS Controller app and navigate to Settings > Player > Audio and toggle Audio Clock Trimmer
To see if that resolves the issue you are experiencing.
Sam R. -
There seems to be light at the end of the tunnel. I do n't understand why, but there is progress. Here is what I did:
- First I unplugged or switched off all devices connected to the network.
- Than I unplugged the cable-moden / router / WiFi access point (this is 1 device).
- Waited for 15 minutes.
- Plugged in the cable-model / router / WiFi access point.
- Waited for 15 minutes.
- Plugged in the Node 2i.
- Plugged in / switched on all other devices connected to the network.After this procedure, I played a TuneIn stream for hours and only experienced 1 short dropout, but no crashes.
Next, I played a TIDAL MQA stream for a few hours and that was OK too.
I am now playing a Spotify stream for a few hours and that is OK too.
The only difference compared to things I tried earlier is that I added the extra wait time (e.g. 15 minutes) and unplugged / switched off all devices (not only the cable-modem and Node 2i, but everything). I can't explain why this makes all the difference.
Anyway, fingers crossed that things stay the way they are now.
Bye Jan.
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Is there any way to load an older version of the firmware? Preferably the last version before 3.10? It is so annoying that I can't use the Node2i...Now I notice how often I use the device to play music.
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I would also love to downgrade. Please let me know if you can find the old firmware version anywhere.
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I already tried changing the 'Audio clock trim' option (and all other settings that I could think of), but that did not change anything. I even did a full factory reset, configured music services from scratch. Nothing helps.
I also sent a support request from the Bluesounds controller app 5 days ago, but no reaction so far.
I am a software developer myself and if we run into breaking issues like this, we immediately rollback within minutes. I can't believe that I have to live with a device that does n't work anymore due to a software problem and there is no way to rollback.
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This is very sad...Created a support request more than a week ago. No response whatsoever. This is not how you are supposed to treat customers. I now own a device that does n't work and there is nothing I can do about it.
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I downloaded the 3.10.3 firmware from the web-site (the only version available) and re-installed it from a USB stick. That also did not solve the problem.
I need version 3.8.19, because that version was working fine on my device. Come on Bluesound, do something! Either by replying here or by replying to my support request.
I found this link, but it is not working anymore:
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I have the same issue as described above by Jan Sijm and also Clock Trim doesn't work for me.
Before this happened I had different issue where my DAC stopped playing music for a second while clock trim adjusted frequency which was visible on DAC display. This issue was solved by turning off clock trim.
Right now streamer is useless.
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They just replied to my support request, after sending them additional logging. Their reply is that the problen is my router and closed the ticket as solved.
There is no way that this is caused by my router. Nothing has changed there and it worked fine until reently. All other devices in my house connected wired or wireless are alll working perfectly.
I am going to play with router settings, but I have no faith that this will solve anything. This device will probably end up in the the trash bin.
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Hey guy, my Node2 is having trouble skipping, it takes forever. According to customer service, this is due to problems the update causes with Synology NAS systems. They are aware of the issue and working on a fix. No ETA, tho...What kind of NAS are you using?
Also, downgrading to a previous firmware version can brick the device and customer service strongly advised against it.
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I'm not using NAS. I stream directly from Tidal. There is no issue with skipping between songs. Bluesound just stops responding and I need to reboot it afterwards by unplugging it out of power source.
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Jan Sijm - yeah problem is our router... bull shit... Everything was ok before the update and now router is the issue... yeah right...
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Indeed Karol...Also streaming directly from Tidal, Spotify or TuneIn and the Node 2i just crashes. I can only reboot it by unplugging.
They told me to try changing router settings (DHCP, QoS and some other settings). I already told them I have a cable-modem with built in router / WiFi access point and there is not much I can configure. Only DHCP basically.
I found some release notes for the 3.10.x release of their firmware:
BluOS 3.10.0. Released August 18, 2020.
• Support for TIDAL My Mix.
• Updated kernel libraries.
• New grouping synchronization.
• More robust WiFi drivers.
• Updated audio libraries.
• Improvements for network stability and power management.Lot's of updates to network related libraries etc. So, it must be one of these updates screwing everything up.
I am affraid that this is going to be the end of my Node 2i and me as a Bluesound customer. Which sucks, because I was pretty happy with it until this firmware update.
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Jan... Yeah same for me since I have modem delivered by network provider where is not much to adjust...
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I would advise you to continue working with the support crew member you have been speaking with, but in the meantime: in some past cases I have seen that reconfiguring the WiFi setup on your player may resolve the issue.
You can either do this by putting the player into Hotspot mode (via Help > Diagnostics > Force Hotspot Mode) and going through the Add a Player setup steps, or using the Ethernet method steps below:
1) Disconnect the power from your Bluesound Player
2) Connect an Ethernet cable directly to the Bluesound Player, which goes directly to your router
3) Connect the power back into the Bluesound Player
4) Wait until the LED is solid blue on the top of your Bluesound Player
5) Open the mobile BluOS controller while connected to the WiFi network of your home
6) Select the 3 lines in the top left corner of the BluOS app and go to Settings
7) Select Player and then WiFi
8) Select the WiFi network you wish to connect to and enter the password for it
9) Wait 5 minutes and then disconnect the power from your Bluesound Player
10) Disconnect the Ethernet cable and then reconnect the power for your Bluesound Player
Sam R.0 -
The support crew member that I am in contact with closed my ticket, while telling me that is was most likely caused by my router. I re-opened the ticket.
Do you really think I have n't tried everything that I can think of? Yes, I tried re-configuring WiFi. Yes, I tried a full factory reset. Yes, I did a full firmware re-install from USB stick. Yes, I tried every setting that I could change etc. etc. etc.
Nothing has solved the problem, which makes sense if the problem is in the software. No problems with firmware 3.8.19 and loads of problems after updating to 3.10.x. Why is it so hard to admin that you have a software problem? Focus on fixing the issue in your software please. If you can't find the issue, than do n't be affraid to revert changes and go back to previous versions.
Sorry, I am getting very frustrated, because I am being treated like an idiot.
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Jezus... The support crew member came back with the same answer above. Re-configure my WiFi...Like I did n't try that already. And otherwise I have to contact my service provider about my router. The ticket is closed again as resolved.
So, this is the end of the line for my Bluesound Node 2i and me as a Bluesound customer. It is very very sad how Bluesound treats their customers. This is my second Bluesound device, but they do n't care.
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While one can sympathise with your frustration about how 3.10.xx has broken things, just discarding expensive hardware seems a bit premature. I run a small WISP. WiFi problems account for at least 60% of all support calls, even with standardised routers and setups. WiFi is just a mess, made worse by lack of clear protocols and poor quality hardware implementations.
The obvious suggestion is to use your Node 2i only via the wired ethernet port. I have found that entirely reliable and it is the first piece of advice that we always give to our customers who are having problems with WiFi connections.
The alternative is not to rely on ISP's router/WiFi access device. These are often of poor quality and, as you point out, not easily configured. You could install a business grade WiFi access point - we use Ubiquiti UniFi APs that are much better (though more expensive) than any ISP-supplied equipment. If you can, turn off the router WiFi and rely on the UniFi AP, but you can also run separate WiFi networks.
Finally, avoid WiFi extenders - they are mostly of very poor quality and reliability. If you need to extend coverage, install separate APs linked by ethernet cables.
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Gordon, You're totally right... but is it fair with the customers?
I'm not aware how do you purchase audio equipment or any other equipment but I'm checking whether it will be compatible with other gear which I'm supposed to use with it. If something is not compatible I'm checking if it's worth to upgrade.
Now where we already have spend our money on the units we got, Bluesound says hey spend another amount to make it usable again... and this is something I'm not ok with especially where I'm not even sure what router I should buy to be compatible and for long it will be... next update maybe?.
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This wasn't a defence of Bluesound. It is obvious that they have made a mess by putting out a firmware update without adequate testing. That, sadly, is not so unusual. And I am not urging anyone to buy more of the equipment if you conclude that it is likely to happen again. My points were about making the best of the current situation without jettisoning equipment that you have got. I am also looking at it from the perspective of ISPs who have to deal with endless problems with equipment that they don't provide or control.
First, wired ethernet connections are always more reliable than WiFi. Any ISP will say that you should use wired ethernet if possible when there are WiFi problems. Of course, I use WiFi but I won't buy anything that doesn't have the option of a wired ethernet connection - if necessary via USB or other ports.
Second, annoying though it may be, business WiFi APs are just much better and more reliable than consumer WiFi equipment. The suppliers have to ensure that because it is too expensive to support designs that break at frequent intervals. Most manufacturers of audio and consumer equipment buy in WiFi components from OEM suppliers on the basis of price rather than quality. They get what they pay for, which is usually insecure and unreliable. And they don't have the expertise to deal with the bugs in the firmware. In my experience, Bluesound are not the worst offender in this respect, though neither are they the best.
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I have owned a Node 2 (the previous one) and now I own a Node 2i. Both have worked flawlessly through WiFi with my current network equipment. It all stopped working atfer the 3.10.x firmware update.
I also have many other devices making use of WiFi in my house (phone, tablet, multiple laptops, TV, A/V receiver, settopbox). All are working without any problem.
Bluesound has a problem with their 3.10.x firmware update. Period. Acknowledge it and fix it. Do n't come to me with crap about routers, WiFi issues etc.
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I understand your frustration; please know that I feel that what you are experiencing is different from what we've seen with others, so to help us find out what is unique about your situation and get things pointed in the right direction, please continue to work closely with your support agent, Eric.
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Look at mu support requests
I do n't know what more you want me to do? Maybe you can send me the source code and I can debug the problem for you?
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The first rule of technology - reboot everything - what you did was clear the cache and routing table of your network router. It's often our go-to move here...
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The problem is back again. Play a stream for a few minutes and than a crash.
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I have decided to look for other streaming hardware. I have used the Node 2 and Node 2i without problems for many years, but the 3.10.x firmware upgrade has essentially made it all useless.
I have spent a lot of time trying to fix the issue, but there is only 1 possible conclusion: the 3.10.x firmware is no good. BlueSound will not acknowledge it, so I am out of options.
No more BlueSound for me.
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Hi Jan
I am reopening a request we sent you on September 28th that we are still awaiting a response on - our Support crew will be in touch to help troubleshoot your issue.
Thanks for your patience
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I switched to a CocktailAudio N15D, but I am back to BlueSound. The controller software of that N15D is so bad, that I can't live with it.
So, I have now re-configured my router to use two separate SSID's for the 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz WiFi bands. That gives me control over which band is used by the Node 2i. I tried the 5Ghz band first (signal quality was around -48 to -52db), but that was resulting in a number of crashes. So, now I am on the 2.4Ghz band (signal quality is around -54 to -56db). That seems to be more stabil. I have n't had a crash the last couple of days (playing TuneIn radio, Spotify Connect and Tidal Connect).
So, fingers crossed that the stability stays like this. If not, I am going to try poweline adapters.
B.T.W. The Tidal Connect support is a hige improvement.
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As Gordon mentioned 3 months ago: Ubiquiti UniFi AP.....are just much better and more reliable than consumer WiFi equipment.
Signal strenght isn't always equal to quality.I have no issues streaming 24/192 wireless with fair/low strenght. No dropouts with -68 dBm - -74 dBm
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Sofar so good. I have had a few short dropouts over the last week, but the player resumed after a few seconds. No crashes or anything. Playing TuneIn streams, Spotity and Tidal (master and HiFi).
In my case, the problem seems to be related to 5Ghz WiFi on the Node 2i.
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